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"Y/N, I'm gonna need to you--what the hell?" I turned around and there stood Sara, shocked expression, crossed arms. "Who is this?"

I sat up, turning around. I had been laying on Timothee's chest. We were on the couch, and probably fell asleep. He sighed, sitting up himself, suddenly feeling embarrassed when he saw the stranger who stood in front of him. "H-hi?" he said nervously, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. 

"Sara, I can explain--"
"No need to explain. You've been ghosting the chat and I'm assuming this is what you've been busy with? Have you been filming at all?"
"We have," Timothee chirped in. Sara shot him a glare and he instantly regretted speaking. "We've been at filming, he just came to check on me and we fell asleep. Where have you been?"

"Out, figured you wouldn't wanna see me. But you're never home anyway."
"Where's Bebe?"

"She's staying with Ray and Ben."

"Because this is a lot for her, you know," Sara said angrily. "As much as I fought with her, she wouldn't get it out of her head."
"Get what out of her head?"
"She's been anxious for days. You know how soft she is...how easily broken--"
"Sara, what?" I asked sternly. 

"She thinks you hate her."

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