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a/n: guys, i'm running out of ideas & i need some filler chapters before i get to the big reveal. lmk what you think i should do & don't forget to vote/comment! tbh i'm more eager to see what you think in the comments than if you vote or not but it always makes my day to get some nice notifications🥰 hope you're all doing ok!<3 ~J


Timothee knocked on the door of my apartment at 3am, the night Marie's grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. Since then she'd sent a group text explaining this was incurable and they aren't even going to try chemo--she had two months to live and the film would be postponed. It was disappointing, but I mourned for Marie and felt so many different things, it was hard to know if I was even sad about the film being postponed. 

"Hey," he said, letting himself in when I refused to open the door. "Are you doing ok? You're leaving everybody on read and not even updating your Twitter status." He chuckled at his joke and turned to me, who sat down on a beanbag, staring at the wall. He plopped down on the floor next to me, crossing his legs. "You're not okay, are you?"

I shook my head. 


I shrugged.

He sighed, pulling off his hoodie and setting it on the couch. "Listen, I know you're having a hard time." I looked at him, noticing how attractive he looked in a plain white t-shirt. Oh, who was I kidding, he just looked good. I suddenly felt intimidated by his deep green eyes staring at me, seemingly peering into my soul. "You're irresistible," I said, before covering my mouth with my hands. He chuckled. I couldn't believe I had just let that slip out--and I'd only known this boy for a few days! "I know, you are too."
I looked at him with shocked eyes. "Oh my god, I just told you--"

"Mhm," he said, "I know it's funny, but it was kind of love at first sight for me..."

"The boy who blew up my post," I murmed.

"Love at first site," Timothee joked.

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