Chapter 6

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Sky did not turn her eyes away from the Captain as a chorus of victory cries a rose from the deck below. Her heart was shattering against her rib cage and she felt as if she was going to be ripped open by it. The sword is kicked from her hands and the man turned away to look down over the ship.

"My, my. We certainly made quite the mess." The man spoke in a soft voice as if to himself and Sky was filled with hopeless rage at how he could dismiss the blood of innocent men as a 'mess'. "Right lads, line up these sea dogs." Scorn dripping from his lips.

Sky was pulled to her feet by one of the men and thrown carelessly down the stairs. She cried out as she landed on her side at the bottom. The men didn't give her a rest as they shoved her into the centre of the deck along with five other survivors. Among them was Captain Rucuss, his head lifted proudly before the pirates.

Only six left from so many. And all because of one man.

The Devil himself descended the steps, taking his time and even going so far as to pause at the last one to survey the damage to the ship. Damage he caused and was no doubt proud of. Sky watched him carefully hoping he could feel the hate in her eyes. He came to stand before them and removed his hat revealing messy light coloured hair.

"Captain Dustin Hawk, at you service," He bows before them and grins that catlike smile. His men laugh and imitate him mocking the officers. "You are in luck gentlemen," The Captain looks around at the dead, "It seems I lost quite a few men today, including my quartermaster." He turns back to the man Sky fell then tips his head to the side catching the sun's light. Gold. His eyes were gold. "I offer you three places among my men. All you have to do is earn it. And by that, of cause, I mean kill your fellow men and pledge your allegiance to me."

His words hang heavily in the air. There is a moment of silence as each officer waits for the other to accept the pirate's offer.

"We will never indulge you in your sick game." The voice was weak with pain and exhaustion but held authority none the less. Sky looked to her left in time to see Captain Rucuss lift his chin challenging the Pirate. Proud till the end.

"Is that so?" Captain Dustin crouched down in front of the other man.

"You are nothing but scum. And we will never bow to your piracy." Captain Rucuss spat the words at him with a hate so deep even Sky could feel it.

The pirate smiled almost sadly. "Very well," The blade appeared out of nowhere and slit open the officers throat. He coughed a gross wet sounding noise, bring red to his lips and fell forward. The Captain stepped back wiping the blood from his blade on his shirt.

"Is that the way you all feel then? One more chance to speak now." Sky looked away. She will not give in to these men. Not like this. Movement bring her eyes back and she watches as a shaky hand goes up. Captain Dustin offers the man a hand then pulls him to his feet. "Welcome Lad. Glad to have you." Sky wanted to yell traitor at the man but someone beat her to it.

"You don't deserve to live you traitor!"

"Well, gentlemen, I am in a generous mood so I propose to you this, any man who speaks now will be given a place upon The Belladonna." The way he said the name gave Sky goose bumps all the way down her back.

The officer who had yelled traitor spat that the pirate getting him on the foot. The Captain glanced down with the look of someone dealing with misbehaved children. Then faced them again maintain eye contact with each of them. Sky was the only one of the men to look away and she felt ashamed.

"So be it," He gave a small flick of his wrist and the pirates around him laughed with a sickening glee as they drew their swords and advanced on the men. A hand grabbed Sky by her hair and lifted her up. She felt the cool kiss of metal against the back of her neck and shut her eyes.

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