Chapter 61

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When they arrived at Intargo, the largest of the southern isles, it was almost noon. They had passed some of the other islands. The Cormorants had been very close to the western island and Sky had seen a glimpse of the Maribelle waiting patiently in the deeper waters for her Admiral. The Townspeople's ship hadn't been with her.

Dustin took the wheel from one of his men. The man gave him a salute then inclined his head to Sky.

"Glad to have ye back aboard lassie." His voice was gruff and when he smiled his front teeth were sliver.

"Thank you, Mr. Roberts." Dustin grumbled shooing the pirate away as he stood behind the wheel. Sky, who had come to stand next to him, lifted her eye brow at him questioning his annoyed tone. Dustin sighed. "You would not believe the trouble they gave me for leaving you behind. Thomas didn't speak to me for a whole day. I'm half surprised they didn't try mutiny."

Sky laughed imagining the poor captain telling his crew that morning Sky wasn't coming only to be met with backlash. "Good." She grinned facing the wind to get her hair out of her eyes. "It's nice to feel wanted by someone."

Dustin shot her a hard glace disapproving of her jab. "Don't you start, Sweetheart."

Her smiled widened as she looked out over the main deck at the crew below. When she met the eyes of the men they all smiled to her, some tipping their hats. Fane had even stuck his head out over the crows net to wave down at her when they'd emerged from the captain's cabin after their talk. It's good to be home.

Dustin led the two ships towards Intargo with steady hands. The waters were clear of rocks here and deep enough for the ships to pull right up to the island's dock together. Sky had never left Rendes, but many of the people who came to her town had been from the islands in the colder southern waters. She'd heard stories of there being different settlements on the various islands and they would all come together to trade. Intargo was the hub of the cluster of islands. What Sky hadn't expected, however, was for it to be so big.

The port was huge, with smaller fishing ships scattered here and there. Sky noticed with some interest that there were fair few lager ships as well. One ship even had a nasty looking blade attached to the front of it where the bow sprit would have been. SKy couldn't imagine how it didn't sink with all at metal at the front. The Cormorants were following close behind. As they approached the port, Sky saw that Intargo was a well maintained town and she considered whether the merchants she'd overheard on Harpers isle were wrong about the state of the south. There were large buildings not far from the docks made of both wood and stone. To the right of the bustling port was where most of the residents lived, their houses spaced out neatly across the land. Further back from them Sky had to squint to see farm lands.

The left side seemed to be the more busy side of town; there were tall buildings and markets. Back further overlooking what must have been a channel through the peaks was a large stone fort. Next to it stood a regal looking stronghold. The whole place buzzed like a hive.

They seem completely self-sufficient. Sky realised. It almost appeared that the South had accepted that the King had stopped offering his support. It almost seems like they have been planning this for a very long time.

That both inspired Sky and made her feel uneasy. King Patrick was striking at them before they decided to become their own nation. The idea was startling to Sky. What would happen after this? Would the whole Kingdom fall apart? If it did then her small fishing town far west would be left suck. While Sky had never really felt attached to the island, it was where her father had chosen to stay. When he had met her mother scorning the King as a result.

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