Chapter 44 - Wheel

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It was calm. The waters were gentle and Sky could hear the sound of the waves the ship created as it cut through the surface of the sea and she could see as the sun came up that it was a beautiful crystal blue. There was nothing in the world that could compare with the sense of being out on the waters; under the open skies with no buildings or people to get in the way of life.

The wind blew Sky's hair back out of her face. Sea pray dampened her cheeks and cold crisp air filled her lungs. Her mind was clearer than it had been in years and the empty cavity meant that thoughts she hadn't even considered were able to worm their way into her head.

What happens after this? Sky wondered. She remembered thinking about her life as a child; where she would live, if she would leave Rendes or stay there and have a family. Would she even have a family? What kind of man she would marry and if she would like the woman James decided to marry.

Sky scoffed at her own thoughts. It seemed so petty now; thinking of the man she would marry considering the circumstance. But even as the thought passed her conciseness she realised that both her and her brother were at the age when she had childishly imagined they would settle down with their own families.

A huge sigh escaped her lips. Somehow, I doubt I will ever marry, settle down or have a family. Even if we pull through this whole thing. Sky was surprised to find she didn't care in the least. A small smile lifted her face. In this moment she was free.

To her right Sky saw a massive flock of gulls soring high in the air. Form her days on a finishing boat Sky knew that meant there was something in the water. Sky wondered if it was a shark or whale that had drawn the birds above.

As Sky sailed past it she gasped with delight. It was not a shark nor whale that had the bird's interest. A large school of fish, from what Sky could see they looked like tuna, and they were being herded like cattle by a pod of dolphins.

She watched as the dolphins caused the tuna to rise out of the water in an attempt to escape. The dolphins followed them and leapt out of the ocean with grace before disappearing below the surface again. Sky laughed as some of the dolphins left their work to jump in an out of the water around The Belladonna. Soon the rest of the dolphins joined in and they were all flying next to Sky in the wake of the ships waves; the meal forgotten as they inspected the large ship.

Sky tried to keep The Belladonna on a steady and constant path so she wouldn't accidently hit on of the dolphins. They followed alongside her before they started to get closer. One of them, a large common dolphin, leapt out of the water so close to the deck that Sky reacted on instinct and ripped the wheel down.

The Belladonna swerved sharply to the right and the ship snipped and groaned as it leaned against the tide it had created. The pod of dolphins pulled back from the ship as Sky tried to regain control. She levelled the ship and steered so it was back on its course. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Sky was sure the entire crew had felt that.

"Bloody dolphin." Sky snapped looking around as the pod slowed and went back to their fishing having decided that swimming with Sky was not worth their lives. "Wasn't my fault! You jumped in front of me!" Sky called out to them over her shoulder.

"Oi!" Above her Fane was leaning over the edge of the crow's nest looking rightfully pissed off.

Sky tilted her head back and was about to apologise when Thomas appeared from the middle deck with three people following. Rogue was with them along with Aster who seemed most angry and the man Sky recognised as Marle who she had not seen in quite some time.

"Dust! You bloody mongrel!" Thomas yelled, anger in his voice and rubbing his head. "What the hell are you doing up here?!" Sky hunched her shoulders up around her wishing she could hide in them. The angry pirates all looked at her their eyes blazing. And all of them, except Fane, looked genuinely surprised.

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