Chapter 23 - Cormornants

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The picture's not quite what it is like, but you get the idea. (Plus, I think it looks cool.)

Hope you enjoy!!! Thankyou for reading,


The smell of murky water filled the air mixed with the harsh sent of oil burning. Sky was utterly blown away when she came out of the alley. The space opened up to an enormous cavern surrounded by rotting wooden buildings that leaned on each other for support. Just after the exit of the alley the cobble stones dropped off and the path turned into a wooden boardwalk. Sludge from the city filled the space and the buildings were suspended on stilts to keep them above the greyish water.

Sky shuddered to think what was lurking beneath the putrid liquid and wondered how anyone could live here and tolerate the smell. Connecting all the buildings was an intricate maze of paths that branched off to each of the builds.

In the middle of the labyrinth was a taller building that could be seen clearly from where Sky stood. Its frame was leaning alarmingly to the side and like the rest of the buildings it looked as if it was a place that was only open to people who belonged there.

It suddenly occurred to Sky why the Cormorants had picked such a location. Because the whole space was surrounded by buildings it meant that there was only one way in; the alley that Sky had walked down led to the main path. On either side of the path were tall buildings that gave a perfect view to the only entrance. As the boardwalk was so narrow, any large group of people would be forced to walk in two's meaning they'd be easier to pick off by the guards positioned on the tops of the buildings.

No wonder they haven't been brought down yet.

Sky looked to the roof tops and saw that there was no one positioned there. Confused Sky looked around for the officers. She was sure they would have been spotted by now, yet she hadn't heard anything. Movement caught Sky's eye and she looked up to the slanted building on her right and saw a man take a seat at the edge of the roof top.

They must have caught them at the changeover. Sky realised and wondered why they would leave the entrance unguarded.

The man's eyes scanned the area, keen and sharp. Sky knew she had to warn them and she frantically waved her arms to get his attention. When he spotted her he stood and, to Sky's horror, raised his gun to fire. She shook her head and held up her hands to show she meant no harm. The man lowered his gun and had his throat slit. The dagger appeared from behind him catching the moons light and sliced open the man's neck.

Sky cried out in shock, drawing the attention of the officer. He did not even hesitate as he pulled out his gun and shot at her. Sky screamed ducking her head and ran down the boardwalk. The planks of wood creaked under her feet. She looked up at the roof and saw that the man was gone. Fear clutched her as she spun around wondering where the other officer had disappeared to. Sky realised that he may not have acted as fast as the other and she looked to building on the other side. Dread filled her when she saw taking the boarded path there could lead her to unknown places.

I have to get there now! Sky bit her lip hard and crouched over the side of the walk praying it was only waist deep.

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