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Authors note:

Hello. It's been a while... I promised this years ago, but staying true to my track record, I never delivered. However, I have been writing short stories (you can read some I've since posted in 'Whimsical Tales of Woe'). While I was in the mindset of writing snippets and cute scenes between characters, of course, two characters very close to my heart came to mind. The Belladonna has technically been finished for a long time (the first chapters were originally posted in 2015 and it was finally completed in 2018), but I initially intended on having an Epilogue (with a very specificity event in mind)... Clearly this did not happen.

I am not sure how you guys will receive this. Part of me still thinks the story is finished and I am happy with it. Honestly, I am not sure the reason I wrote this, because it is just a bit odd at this point. But technically, this was always the plan. Fast forward almost four years from that last chapter...

But alas, it is written and so I shall throw it out there for people who wanted a bit more closure (though, this may not be any more helpful in that respect). If you are finishing The Belladonna for the first time, thank you dearly for your time and dedication. If you are one of those incredible people re-reading or coming back to read this... sorry it took me so long :). I have had so much support over the years for this book and cannot thank you guys enough.

So you are all invited to join in this final stage and I hope you enjoy some good times with our now legendary Pirates.


Two years of sailing through unknown waters

The storm clouds lurked to the south, carrying punishing rains and wind. The sea was angry beneath those clouds; it promised to crush any ship that dared sail its currents in arrogance. There was not a star in the sky, no pinpricks of sunlight penetrated the darkness that lay before them.

"Daunting, isn't it?" The familiar voice held an edge of foreboding. "Almost makes you wonder if we should turn back..."

Sky shook her head. "No," She looked down at the chart in her hands, tracing the dizzying patterns with tired eyes. "We've come too far to turn back."

The salt breeze rippled through the sails and pushed her hair back, soothing her rapidly beating heart. Edward spun putting his back against the railing of the ship and sent her a cheerful grin. "Only you, Sky."

"What?" She glanced at him, he still looked odd to her with that beard a shade lighter than his hair. His hook had been easier to get used to, though Sky still felt a stab of shame and that awful throbbing guilt that followed every time she saw it. Even after so long.

"Only you would be studying navigation charts on your 'special day' while everyone else is working away." He lifted his left hand and pointed at the crew who were dragging barrels and stools up from the cargo-hold below deck.

"And why aren't you helping?"

"I am exempt from barrel rolling duty," He lifted the hook with an evil grin. Everyone on the ship knew Ed was more than capable of pitching in, but Sky nodded anyway a beguiled expression on her face. "Besides," He leaned in and bumped her gently with his elbow. "I have been assigned with the task of watching over you. We can't have you abandoning ship before Thomas gets to the vows. Though, I can't say I wouldn't blame you if you did decide to make a break for the water. Just give me a heads up and I'll be right behind you."

Sky laughed and rolled her map. I suppose it can wait until tomorrow. She had a prior engagement to honour. The clouds looked to be moving away from them anyway. It had taken them a long time to catch up; it was just her luck they had found it today of all days.

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