Chapter 65

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Hello. As I said last time, this chapter is long (probably the longest in the book *cough* 5500 words *cough*), so I hope it keeps your attention. I would also recommend you have a listen to Peter Crowley's songs Conquest of the Sea and Escaping the Kraken. They are both truly epic pieces of music that match some of the moments. (Some more in the playlist at the start if you're interested.)

Let the battle begin!

The Jane Duchess and The Royal Oliva approached with predatory swiftness. As warships they moved at a slower speed than the others around them were capable of, but something seemed to be driving them forward with resolve. The skies were open and blue behind them painting a peaceful backdrop for the storm to come.

If there was one thing Sky could take relief in, it was knowing that they had scared King Patrick enough for him to leave Karniva completely unprotected. It was not comforting the in face of death.

"Skyler!" Dustin shook her by her shoulders. His eyes dark. "What is it? What can you see?"

She hadn't said anything she realised, and had just gazed at their doom in defeat. "He brought another Man-o-war Dust." Her voice was weak. She wanted to be stronger, wanted to never give up and face her enemies with fire in her soul, but this new turn was too much. "All of our plans..."

Dustin, his hands still on her shoulders, straightened and looked out at the fleet his gold eyes blazing. "So that's how we're going to do this, huh Ash?"

His amused voice baffled Sky. Did he not hear me? But when Sky looked at him she saw that the pirate was almost impressed. Dustin let out a little laugh and shook his head.

"Very well old friend." He spoke towards the horizon, then he looked down at Sky and his wicked smirk appeared creating a dimple in his cheek. "We aren't going down without a fight Sweetheart. You were the one to tell me never to give up, remember? Don't go abandoning me now."

His gold eyes held hers with such intensity that Sky could feel the strength in them. And he was asking for her support. She could do nothing else; she saluted him.

"Aye Captain." He smiled satisfied and Sky returned it. "I am with you till the end Dustin."

"Good then we meet them on our terms. They are expecting an easy victory; let's make them work for it shall we?" He pulled his hat down over his face casting his eyes in shadow and became the menacing pirates she'd first met.

She watched him descend from the upper deck and inform his men of the change in plans. Most of the pirates took the news with a nod accepting the Commodore's challenge with determination. However, many reacted as Sky had, paling and becoming uneasy. To them, Sky saw Dustin speak some words of inspiration and his men's faces slowly changed from foreboding to fortitude. Thomas and Edward were doing the same. Sky had not joined them; her legs still felt unsteady and she took the moment alone to just breathe.

To their portside, The Maribelle sounded her warning bell in frantic alarm. Her crew must have seen the other war ship. Sky looked over to her left to see Admiral Balthid speaking sternly with one of the officers. He looked across to Sky and she could see that he too had decided they had to see this through. The man he'd spoke with ran over to the railing with two small flags in his hands and began whipping them around in the air. Sky followed the signals concentrating as he made the letters. She had not been in the Navy for a long enough time to learn them all and her message was fragmented.

-T-I-N-- W-E-T—V-I-A? What? Sky frowned feeling angry at herself. She had to get this message right; their next course of action would depend on it, but she only knew some of the signals and Dustin's pirates wouldn't be able to understand the flag semaphore. Dustin. Of course.

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