He was betrayed by his friends not Eijro or Bakugou or his siblings at all the pro hero's gave Noah kaminari a special belt but just not any belt this is the Kamem rider build belt and he can turn into the Kamem rider build and his different forms n...
Noah kaminari was just thinking if he can make his own vision of Evol outfit but he has to change something here and there ????: hay you! Noah kaminari: who are you? ????: I'm cross z but call me Blue for sort and this is my friend Red she has the same build driver as you Noah kaminari: my name is Noah kaminari aka Kamen rider build and I have new forms and some of my new forms I haven't use yet Cross z look at me Noah kaminari: and I trying to make a new combo for my new meal form I'm calling the driver the meltdown driver and my henshin will be MELTDOWN MELTDOWN WARNING WARNING ARE YOU READY? Cross z de-transformer out of her rider girl form blue: so Noah was it? Noah kaminari: ya Red: so do you want us to fight some monster with us and your harem can come as well? Evol (female) and engine sis and remocon sis and my harem was behind me Noah kaminari: sure I like to fight monsters and save any one that I can Later We all was on a building Noah kaminari see the monster but it's look like him but he can't tell Noah kaminari: ready blue and red? Blue: ready! Red: ready! Evol (female) trow me my new bottles Noah kaminari: thanks Evol Evol (female): it no problem cutie~ Noah kaminari put the two new bottles in his build driver Evol bottle! Rabbit! Are you ready? Noah kaminari: HENSHIN! my new armor come out and combine with me Rabbit! Rider System! Revolution! Are you ready? Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Hehehehehehehe! BEWARE! That's no ordinary Rabbit
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Evol (female) blushes as she see me in my new form Evol (female) in her mind ( he is so cute in this form but where did he know about this form unless he knows I had the bottles ) Blue put her pet dragon in her driver and she transformer into her girl rider form
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Cross z: oh yeah let's fight this monsters! Red put rabbit bottle in her driver and tank as well Rabbit! Tank! Are you ready? Red: henshin! Her outfit comes out of nowhere FULLMETAL MOONSAULT! RABBITTANK! YEAH!
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( yes this is red girl rider form smaller to Eijro girl rider form ) Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (black hole rabbit): girls are you ready to do it? Cross z: yeah Noah! Build: yeah! Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (black hole rabbit) jump down from the building and land on the ground making smoke appears out of nowhere Build get on cross z back and they jump down as well Another Ex-aid: girls should we follow them? They teleport to me and cross z and build Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (black hole rabbit): HAY YOU MONSTER! The monster looks at me Monster run to Me Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (black hole rabbit) charge up his attack and run to the monster Cross z and build: hay what is he doing? Remocon sis and engine sis: he going to destroy the monster Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (black hole rabbit) leg was covered with red and white and black smoke and he jumped in the air The monster was confused about this Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (black hole rabbit) crack up his crack on his driver and a voice can be heard and he stop crashing the driver EVOL FINISHED! Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (black hole rabbit): TAKE THIS AS A FINISHED FOR YOU! Evol and my harem and Engine sis and remocon sis: GET HIM SENPAI/DADDY!