My new full full bottle form

45 2 4

I put a new full full bottle in my driver
Gatling and Gatling!
Are you ready?
Noah kaminari: Henshin!
I crack my driver
Don Ten Kan! Don Ten Kan
Are you ready? Uncontrol Switch! Black Hazard! Yabei!

Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Gatling and Gatling): I have the winning formula!Male Evol run at me Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Gating and Gatling) points his guns and he rip fire from his guns and I shot male Evol a lot of times Noah kamin...

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Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Gatling and Gatling): I have the winning formula!
Male Evol run at me
Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Gating and Gatling) points his guns and he rip fire from his guns and I shot male Evol a lot of times
Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Gatling and Gatling): HAY EVOL ARE YOU GETTING SLEEPY?!
Male Evol: NO!
He try to kick me but I grabs his leg and trow him in the air
I cracked my crack on my driver
Are you ready?
Hazard finish!
I point both of my guns at Male Evol and Fire rapidly at Male Evol
He blow up
Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Gatling and Gatling): that's how you do it in Gatling and Gatling style

Noah kaminari as Kamen rider build Where stories live. Discover now