w-wait Ex-aid i got someting to tell you

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Noah kaminari was waiting for Ex-aid he couldn't wait to tell her about his feelings to her he was blushes he thought about her
Ex-aid (female): Noah is there something you wanted to tell me?
Noah kaminari in his mind (come on Noah just say it you watch romance movies so you can't blow this up at all just tell her about your feelings to her if she says I love u Noah-San I love you so much I want to be in your harem so bad and I'm inseparable into you )
Noah kaminari: ex-aid can we go some private so we can talk to each other
Ex-aid (female): sure
Noah kaminari in his mind ( one point for me now to tell her about how I truly feel about her being my doctor and she can heal me no matter what happens to me )
Ex-aid (female): Noah remember that promise you gave me I find the Zi-O driver and the watches as well and one of the watches has ex-aid on them and one has Evol on one and they have the original power of the Kamen rider's and some of the weapons are cool and amazing looking and Noah I know you have feelings for me and I would love to be in your Harem so can I be in your harem?~
Noah kaminari: sure Ex-aid you can join my harem and do you want me to kiss you on the lips?~
Ex-aid (female): yeah~
Noah kaminari and Ex-aid (female) kiss each other on the lips they look at each other Noah kaminari put his hand on Ex-aid (female) waist
Ex-aid (female) wraps her hands around Noah kaminari chest and look at his eyes
Noah kaminari: oh Ex-aid I love you so much~
Ex-aid (female): oh Noah where have you been all of my life?~

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