He was betrayed by his friends not Eijro or Bakugou or his siblings at all the pro hero's gave Noah kaminari a special belt but just not any belt this is the Kamem rider build belt and he can turn into the Kamem rider build and his different forms n...
Team RWBY see me be beating up by Dark rider Gaim Yang Trow me a new Full Full Bottle Yang: Noah use this full full bottle now! I was in my base form and I pulls out my rabbit and tank full bottles out my build driver and take out my hazard tigger and place it on my build driver And I skated the new Full full bottle I clads the new full full bottle I twist the cap of the full full bottle Full full bottle: Gaim! I place it in my build driver Build driver: GAIM! + GAIM! Overflow! Are you ready?! Build up! Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build see a armor that looks like Kamen rider Gaim I kicked the armor and it's break apart and it's was in the air Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build jump in the air and the Armor attached itself to me Build driver: Ga~Gaim~! Soiya! Orange Arms! Hanamichi on stage! ( this is should be a reference to Kamen Rider Zi-O Gaim armor transformer sound effect )
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Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Orange arms/Gaim): I'm taking the state and I have the winning formula! Yang and Ruby and Weiss and Blake: Wow he looks different in this full full bottle form wait is that a sword he has I pulls out a sword that looks similar to Gaim's Sword and I combine it with my Drill bit crusher Ruby: GIRLSDIDYOUSEETHATHECOMBINETHATSWORDWITHHISDRILLBITCRUSHER! ( girls did you see that he combine that sword with his drill bit crusher! ) Yang: yeah I see it sister Weiss: let's see what he can do in this form Blake: I like to see what can he do in this form of his Dark rider Gaim: DO YOU THINK CHANGE YOURSELF WILL SAVE YOU FROM ME!? he take his sword and slash me But I took no damage at all Dark rider Gaim: WHAT?! Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Orange arms/Gaim) swing his sword at Dark rider Gaim and he pulls his drill bit crusher and de combined his drill bit crusher from the similar sword that looks like Gaim's sword Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Orange arms/Gaim): HERE'S THE FINISHER! i swing the similar sword that looks like Gaim's sword and I pushed my drill bit crusher in Dark rider Gaim's chest Dark Rider Gaim: Agh! BUILD THIS IS NOT OVER YOU HAVE TO FIGHT MY MASTER AKA DARK RIDER DECADE! I cracked the crack on my build driver Build driver: Gaim's orange arms Vortex finish Yeaaaahhhhhh! i did my attack on Dark Rider Gaim and he blow up I was still in my Full Full bottle Gaim orange arms form Yang hug me Yang: Noah that was cool and amazing looking team RWBY hug me Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build (Orange arms/Gaim): I didn't expect this form to do that to dark Rider Gaim at all