He was betrayed by his friends not Eijro or Bakugou or his siblings at all the pro hero's gave Noah kaminari a special belt but just not any belt this is the Kamem rider build belt and he can turn into the Kamem rider build and his different forms n...
Noah kaminari take out his new driver Sclash driver and he put a new thing in the driver Sclash Driver: "Rabbit Jelly!" "Transfooorm~! Are you scrap? Noah kaminari: YOU BETTER BE!! a glass thing covered me and a rabbit cover with red jelly come on me and I was in my new form
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Evol (female): Aw girls look at your father Engine sis and remocon sis look at me and they look at me with a smile on their face Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build: this feels wired but I love this new form! Male Evol: Build are you ready for our dubbed tag team attack? Noah kaminari/Kamen rider build: yeah buddy let's do it's I pulls the crack on my driver Sclash Driver: Rabbit/Scrap finished! Male Evol cracked his crack on his driver Evol driver: are you ready Ciao! We both jumped in the air and combine our attack together and destroy our evil vision of us