The Letter

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One day Alecdora comes in knocking on William's office door, William casually answer's 'come in'  without looking up from his papers. Alecdora walks in and sets a letter down on William's desk, as he walk away William opens the letter, it reads 'Deer Goldy locks, Here lately I've been watching you, no not in a stalker kinda way, in ah, I think your cute kinda way. -Your Lover' William was quite shocked by this letter and wounded who it was from, a member of the Golden Dawn? No, no one there would call him 'Goldy Locks' but who then? William had forgotten that the nickname Goldy Locks came from "****" who must be his secret admirer. 

Williams put the letter in his desk drawer and closed it with a lock so that nobody can open it and read the letter. William forgot about the paper work he was doing and could stop thinking about who ever this secret admirer was. William pondered over this for hours. After he realized he'd spaced out he glanced over at his clock and realized he'd spaced out for longer ten he had thought.


Yami had just got back from a mission to be greeted by Finral wondering were he had been, due to the fact Yami had left without the help of Finrals portals. Yami went start to his room and flopped onto his bed. Then set up quickly and grabbed his paper, quill and ink, and started to write a letter.


William pasted the floors of his office room. (Why would anyone give me a love letter? Nobody no's what my face looks like so why would anyone be interested in me?) (William stop your driving me crazing!) Patry screamed in William head. "Patry shut up!" (You mite not want to speak to loudly or your members are going to think your crazy.) William ignored Patry's last comment. William wanted to know who it was that was sending him love letters, another captain perhaps? But which one, Nozel? No he like Fuegoleon, and vice versa. It couldn't be one of the women they all know his gay, Jack isn't in to anyone sexually, so who is it? William pondered his thoughts tell it was quit late. William plopped down on his big bed.

"Patry, are you still awake?" William figured it's late and the rest of the members must be asleep, so it's find to speak aloud.

(Well I was tell you started talking!)

"Oh sorry. You may proceed to sleep then."

(Oh thank you so great human for allowing me to sleep)

"Patry don't be like that! You know thats not how I meant it!"

(And you should know that I'm just playing around, now go to sleep William you have a meeting tomorrow.)

"Thank you for reminding me Patry."

(Yeah whatever...go to sleep!)


Yami thought of writing William another letter, but...He didn't even write the first one.


"COMING!!! Yes Captain?" Finral was panting hard, out of breath from running up three fillets of stairs.

"Write me another one of those cute love letters would ya"

"*Hu* umm...sure Captain. But umm if I may ask, who are they for?"

"There for Non-ya."

"Non-ya? Who is that?"

"Non-ya business"

"Oh I get it...Fine whatever." Finral said in annoyance. After going throw ten different letters Yami finally found one he liked. Finral really wanted to know who they for considering Yami and delivered them so Finral didn't know where they were being sent to. Yami took the letter and walked to town and picked up some flowers to give to William, Yami didn't know William's favorite flower so he made a guess, rose's, everybody love rose's. Yami dropped them off at the door of on the steps of the golden dawn.


William got out of bed and sat at his desk, he was too busy pondering about who sent him the letter yesterday he forgot all the paperwork he was suppose to do. Alecdora came in and sat down the letter and rose's.

"These came for you last night Captain."

"Oh umm thank you Alecdora, but please take the rose's out of here."

"Okay why?"

"I'm very allergic, so please take them."

"Of course."

William opened the letter, it read. 'Dear: Goldy locks, Who was I before? I don't remember. Nor do I want to remember a time without you. Where was I before? I don't remember I just knew when i found you, I loved you, and I always will. -Your Lover' William squealed and spud around and flopped down onto his bed kicking up wards, rolling back and forth.

"Patri did you read?!"

(Yes I did, and it make's me sick)

"You're just jealous."

(Oh yes, so jealous.)  Patri spoke with no emotion in his voice when he talked to William, showing how sarcastic he was. William looked back at the envelop and noticed an address.

"His address, Patri his address!!"

(Oh my gosh! His address.)  Patri was again very sarcastic towards William.

"His last letters didn't have an address. Maybe he wants me to find him?!"

(Or maybe, it was an accident?)

"Shut up, I'll be taking this as a sign of fate."

(You do you.)


"You did what now?!" Yami yelled at Finral

"I put an address?"

"Why would you do that?!"

"Because if it didn't to get returned?"

"I didn't have you put an address on the last one for a reason!!"

"I just thought you forgot? Captain please put the vase down!?"

Yami sat down and sighed deeply. Finral got up from behind the couch he was hiding behind. Finral thought it to be best if he left the room before Yami started throwing things again. Yami couldn't stop thinking that William mite know that his the one who's been sending him the letters, and the worst part, he mite find out that his not even the one who's been writing the letters! Yami went to his room and laid down on his bed thinking that maybe it's not a bad ideal for William to know.

End of Chapter 1

Next: The Address 

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