Part 24

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"Harry!" I say. I'm so scared right now.

This is my worst fear, something happening to Harry. I go to step forward; I don't know what I'm planning to do but Mr Charles Voice stops me in my tracks.

"Uh uh uh Louis, I wouldn't do that if I were you" he says condescendingly.

"I'm okay Lou, it's okay" Harry says trying to reassure me.

I don't know what to do as tears spring to my eyes. All I can think of is that knife on Harry's neck and it's making me sick, I can't lose him.

"Pppleassse let him go, don't hurt him please, I'll do anything" I say shakily.

"Well, well, well Louis, how brave of you. I thought you may be more cooperative once young Harry here was involved" Mr Charles smirks at me.

"Louis, I'm okay just relax, please" Harry says to me, trying to convey how worried he is for my safety. I couldn't care less about me, only Harry.

"What do you want? just tell me and let Harry go please" I beg.

Mr Charles laughs an evil laugh.

"Oh Louis, I want you....and I want to make you pay for sending me to jail Louis. You will pay for that I guarantee it" He sneers at me.

I can't help the tear that escapes and runs down my cheek. I'm scared about what he wants to do to me, but I'm more scared of him doing something to Harry. I can deal with whatever he does to me, I can...I will, for the sake of Harry.

"Ffffinne, I'll...I will go with you, I will do what you want. just let Harry go" I say.

"No Louis" Harry yells at me.

Mr Charles suddenly pulls out zip ties from his back pocket and zip ties Harry's hands together, he then walks him over to the pipe that comes out of the air conditioner on the wall and zip ties his hands tightly to the pipe.

"Louis" Harry yells.

Mr Charles wacks Harry across the head hard, but Harry barely flinches. Mr Charles then ties a gag around his mouth.

I watch on and I try to think of a way to get us out of this. Mr Charles has a knife and could at any point use it on Harry. The thought sends shivers down my spine, I try to get nearer to Harry to see if he is alright, I need to be close to him. I rush forward, but I don't make it very far.

"Grab him" Mr Charles yells to the two guys standing behind me.

Harry is fighting to get free form his restraints as I'm lifted kicking and screaming into the air by one of the guys.

"No get off me, put me down. Harry!!!!" I scream.

The guy holds me tightly against his chest as Mr Charles walks over to stand in front of me. He reaches out and runs his finger down the side of my face. I flinch at the contact.

"Oh Louis, you really don't stand a chance sweetheart" he says.

I try to struggle against the hold I'm in, but my efforts are pointless. Mr Charles ties my hands together and then hits me with so much force across my face, If I wasn't being held up, I would have gone flying. I can hear Harry yelling for me from behind his gag and struggling so hard to try and get to me.

"There is plenty more where that came from you little shit" Mr Charles sneers at me.

I can't help the tears that are escaping now.

"Don't cry little Louis, everything will be fine" Mr Charles says sarcastically.

I whimper at his words.

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