The Aftermath

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Freddie's POV:

I push the doors to the hospital open to see London and Anthea in the waiting room. They both stand up when they see me.

"What happened?! Where is she?!" London puts her hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down.

"She's in surgery right now. We're waiting for a doctor to come out and give us an update." She sits me down in between herself and Anthea. 3 hours pass before a doctor comes out.

"I'm looking for the family of Anamaria Stonem?" he says.

"That's us." London says. He comes over to us. "What happened to my sister?"

"I'm Dr. Wilson. She walked into a convenience store very badly beaten before she passed out. She has a broken leg, some broken ribs and a lot of internal bleeding. Since I am a General Surgeon, I handled her bleeding, which is under control and Ortho finished handling her bones."

"So can we see her now?" Anthea asked.

"Not yet. She's still in surgery."


"She has major brain injury so the Neurosurgeon is with her now. Someone should be out with an update soon."

"Thank you." London says. Dr. Wilson walks away.

"Excuse me, my name is Officer Mason. Did you say you were here for Anamaria Stonem?" a cop asks walking up to us.

"Yes. What seems to be the problem?" London asks.

"We would just like to ask you a couple of questions if that's ok." She pulls out a pad and paper. "Now it seems that Anamaria might have gotten into a fight with all the damage that was done. Is there anyone that you can think of that she could have gotten into a fight with?" We all shake our heads no. "When was the last time you saw her?"

"I haven't seen my sister face-to-face in a couple weeks. We've used Facetime, but that's about it." London answers.

"And you ma'am?"

"Um yesterday. Her cousin, my daughter, is in a psychiatric home and we switched places at her bedside." Anthea answers.

"And are you her brother, boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend. I haven't seen her since yesterday either. She lives with me and we went to bed together and when I woke up this morning, she was gone." I answer.

"And why was she staying with you? Why isn't she staying with her parents?"

"Our mother is dead and our father is in America." London snaps.

"I'm sorry for you loss. And she isn't staying with you?"

"No, I live in London and since I don't have that great of a relationship with our father, by the time I found out she was here in Bristol and not in America, she was already enrolled in college."

"So where does she live?" Anthea raises her hand.

"Her father sent her to live with me and my ex husband."

"And then she moved in with her boyfriend?"

"Only a couple weeks ago. When my daughter was sectioned." She writes more things down on the pad.

"And where is your daughter now?"

"She's still at the home. I'm supposed to be picking her up later today."

"And who do you live with?" she asks me.

"My sister and my father."

"And they all get along well?"

"They wouldn't do this to her!" I snap.

"Freddie answer her question." London says.

"Yes, they do." She writes down some more.

"That's enough for now. Did she by any chance have a phone on her so I can trace her last calls up to the accident?" London goes into her bag, to grab another bag with all of Ana's things in it. She takes out the phone and hands it to the cop. "Thank you for your cooperation. I will keep in touch." She takes our information and leaves. We sit down and process what just happened and I text my dad to give him an update. 2 more hours later, another doctor comes out.

"Anamaria Stonem?" she asks. We all nod our heads. "I'm Dr. Peterson, head of Neuro."

"How is she?" I ask.

"You may want to sit down." we don't sit down. "She has had a lot of brain damage, and a lot of bleeding that was hard to control, but we did stop as much bleeding as we could. Unfortunately there is a great deal of swelling."

"So what does that mean?"

"We had to do what is called a Medically Induced Coma." My heart dropped. "If we keep her in the coma, we can control the swelling. As the swelling goes down, we can check to see if there are any more bleeders. She also had a blown pupil, but we were able to fix that right away." There is complete silence.

"Can we see her?" London finally asks.

"Yes you can." We follow the doctor to her room. When we open the door, Ana has her head bandaged and an oxygen mask over her mouth. There's a cast on her left leg, her face is bruised and there is a bandage over her left eye. When London sees what she looks like, she falls to the ground crying. Anthea slowly rubs her back as I look at what happened to my girlfriend.

"Happy fucking birthday to me." I whisper.


No, Ana is not going to die, yes she will wake up don't you worry. We just have to have a little bit go on before she does. I really hope this was a good start!

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