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Freddie and I are chilling on the couch at one of the hottest clubs in Bristol, when I see Katie come out the bathroom.

"Katie!" I say. She turns around.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Oh you know. Just chillin."

"You cool?" Freddie asked.

"Come. Sit. Have a drink with us." I suggest.

"Can't. I'm working."

"Wow. I can tell." Some blonde walks up behind Katie and taps her on the back.

"Sweetheart, I've run out of fags. So you have to get me some more."

"First of all, I'm not your fucking maid. Second I don't work for you so you'll have to get your own fucking fags." She turns back around to us. "Stupid bitch." The blonde hoe pushes Katie and she lands head first on Freddie's lap.

"Swallow or spit sweetheart?"

"Oh hell no." I say. Katie gets up and follows the girls, then I get up off the couch, with the intent of picking up the phone and calling 1-800-Choke-That-Hoe, but Freddie pulls me back down.

"It's not your fight." He says.

"But clearly you saw what she did."

"Katie can handle it." We look over and Katie tripped the girl.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" She screeched. Katie walks up to her and punches her dead in her face.

"I'm Katie fucking Fitch, who the fuck are you?" The bouncer picks Katie up and takes her outside.

"I'll be right back." I say to Freddie.


I go outside and see Katie sitting by herself. I sit down next to her and pull out a cigarette and start smoking. I hand to her, seeing if she'll take it.

"I don't smoke."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Oh I don't know. Cancer?" I laugh lightly. "Fuck it." She takes it, takes a puff and immediately starts coughing.

"You inhaled wrong. Breathe in, now breathe in again so you feel it in your chest." She does what I say and has no problems.

"So what's it like?" she asks.



"It's great."

"That sounded really convincing."

"I'm not going to lie to you Katie. I was unsure. After everything that happened last year, I just, I wasn't sure if it was going to work. I wasn't sure if I should even stay with him."

"And now?"

"He's working his way there. It takes work. But nothing will be how it used to. I just want to get as close to that as possible." I take another puff. "But nothing is ever perfect."

"I thought it could be. I wanted everything to be perfect."

"What changed?"

"Me." I take her hand. "I don't know who I am anymore."

"I thought you were Katie fucking Fitch." I say.


Naomi and Katie are having a barbeque, so the group gets together with some of Emily's friends I guess to hang out. JJ and Emily's brother are playing at the kid pool, Naomi, Effy and I are on lawn chairs, Freddie and Thomas are on the grill and Emily… To be honest I have no idea what the fuck she's doing. Katie is standing back trying to process everything before she comes over to us.

"Wow. Isn't this peachy?" Effy asks.

"Who's got more pills?" Emily asks us. "Effy? Ana?" we shake our heads no.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" Katie asks.

"Don't think. It makes life super easier." Emily answers. "Naomi sweetness, got anymore of your special powder?" Naomi just looks at her. "Where's Cook when you need him?" She walks away.

"Yet another great day at Mrs. and Mrs. Campbell's." Naomi says sarcastically. I take out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. Emily turns up the music and starts dancing with some girl. Thomas comes over with a burnt burger.

"Can I offer you ladies in a "cooked to perfection" burger?"

"No thanks." I say.

"Don't think so." says Effy. She gets up and goes inside and I get up and go to Freddie.

"Hey sexy." I look down at what an awful job he's doing. "I really need to teach you how to cook." The girl that Emily is dancing with, she pulls her in and they start kissing.

"Emily what the fuck are you doing?" Naomi yells. Emily breaks away, runs into Naomi and they both fall in the pool. "Fuck you, this is a fucking pantomime." Naomi says getting out of the pool. Emily gets up and pushes her.

"Fuck you right back."

"Ems stop it." Katie says.

"Stay out of this." Emily snaps.

"Do you want to fuck her?" Naomi asks.

"Maybe I do. So what?"

"That's enough." Emily's mum says. "What's this all about?"

"I fucked the dead girl." Naomi begins. "And now she's punishing me for it."

"Hey! Good news everyone! I found us a caravan." Their dad says. "What have I missed?"

"Look at you all, pretending to be such a happy family." Emily says.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" Mrs. Fitch says.

"Get off your high horse!"

"I can't… I can't be here anymore." Mrs. Fitch says with her voice cracking as she walks away.

"A bit melodramatic. Remind you of anyone?" Emily asks Katie. Katie slaps her in the face and walks away.

"Come on son." Mr. Fitch says taking away their brother.

"And I thought our family was fucked up." I say under my breath to Effy.


Nice and sweet. Get ready Freddie's episode is next!

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