Deadly Cows (8th Grade)

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A family drove to the cliff park to enjoy a nice day of hiking. The father parked the car next to a sign none of them had ever seen before. The son asked his father to take a picture, so he stood next to the sign of a cow falling from the cliff onto a car. A man walked up to them and asked, "Do you want to know the story behind that sign?" The son agreed eagerly, wanting to know why a cow would be falling from a cliff. "Many years ago, in 1998, a family was driving by this here cliff, not knowing this would be their last day," The man began. The son looked eagerly at him, wanting to hear more. "On top of the cliff," the man continued, "there was a farm, with all the animals you could imagine. Cows, horses, sheep, goats, all of it. One day, the fence, keeping the cows away from the cliff, had broken, making the cows free to roam the area. A mouse scurried by, scaring the cow so much, it ran forward and onto the edge of the cliff. The cow fell from the cliff, just as the car was driving right underneath it. The cow smashed the car, and sadly killed everyone inside. The farmer never noticed the broken fence. He wasn't very intelligent you see, he never tried to find out why his cows were disappearing. After almost all of his cows were gone, his daughter finally found the problem and fixed the fence. To this day, that daughter still lives on that cliff, on that farm, with those cows." The son looked up at the cliff in awe at the herd of cows standing on the edge, a fence right in front of them. 

AN: what even is this 💀 prompt was picture of a bunch of cows on a fenced off cliff

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