Clown Romance (9th Grade)

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The circus only came around twice a year, and everyone was buzzing about the newest clown who joined the show. Rosalie was a big fan of the circus, and she made sure to attend every year. When she went to the circus, it was like all her problems went away.

As she walked up to the entrance of the tall, red circus tent, her heart was filmed with warmth as she inhaled the buttery scent of the popcorn. Before she settled down, she made sure to buy a big tub of popcorn and a cotton candy stick as big as her head. The lights turned down low and the show began.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer began, "welcome back to the circus. As all of you may know, we have a new addition to our family. Please welcome, Flowers the Clown!" The tent boomed with applause as Rosalie looked on in awe. As Flowers walked out to the middle of the stage, Rosalie's face contorted. She felt as though she had seen him before. His eyes were a deep brown color, that she seemed to recognize.

Rosalie walked down the street in the cold, dark night. As it began to rain, her mood worsened. She had just been fired from a job she had been working for almost five years. As she continued walking, she noticed a man sitting on the bench, his clothes drenched. She walked up to the man and he looked her in the eye.

"It's him," Rosalie thought. For the first time in her life, she ran out of the circus before the show even began. Her eyes filled with tears as she replayed what happened in her head. She ran as far away from the circus as she could, not planning to turn back. Back at the circus, Flowers the Clown realizes who just ran out of the circus. He just can't wait for the show to end, so he can finally explain to Rosalie why he had left her that night.

Rosalie sat in her bed, wondering why she had to be reminded of the worst night of her life on the best night of her year. As she buried her head in her pillow, she heard the doorbell ring. She went to the front door and saw him standing there, breathing heavily from running for the past 20 minutes trying to reach her and explain.

"Rosalie, I've missed you," he said, staring at her in the eye. "It's been years Michael, why are you just now wanting to talk to me?" "I was too afraid to look for you, I was afraid you wouldn't give me the time of day." "Normally, I wouldn't have, but since you seem tired, I guess I while. Come in," she said reluctantly.

Michael walked inside, and Rosalie prepared herself for what was about to happen. "So, what's the explanation? Why did you leave me?" Rosalie pressed on. "To put it blankly, I was afraid. You were the first girl I ever loved. I was scared of the commitment, but I'm ready now if you want to give me a chance." Rosalie stared on in disbelief. She couldn't help but wrap her arms around him in a tight embrace. "I'm so glad you came back. I never stopped loving you."

After a few months passed, Michael and Rosalie began to fall in love again. A year passed, and they were finally together again. Michael wasn't afraid anymore, and he proposed to the love of his life. Rosalie never thought she would fall for a clown, but he was all she ever wanted.

AN: the prompt was to write something about clowns.... im shocked I didn't go for the horror route ... I hope you liked t=this budding romance

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