The disturbance in the night

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Sorting went by very fast. The boy with the ginger hair also got into  Gryffindor. The feast was delicious, like always.

After the feast, Professor Dumbledore said the announcements and
I suppose it's just the normal things, the forbidden forest, no magic in the corridors, then,' For this year, the third floor corridor is also out of bounds.' What? For the whole time I was here, the entire castle grounds were available to everyone here. What's there?

I was walking down to my bedroom when my mom stopped me, ' Rose, from today on, you'll live in the dormitories, you can still live in the room in the holidays but for the school term, you'll be with the rest of the girls in the Gryffindor's dormitories. By the way, the password is 'caput Draconis','Good night,dear.'

'Good night,mom.' I turned away sadly from the room I've known all my life. I was walking towards the Gryffindor dormitories when I felt a slight pain in my head. ' Urg! I hate migraines.' I get migraines once in a while and everytime this happens, I see green light and loud cackling.

I closed my eyes and stifled a whimper, my migraines can get very bad and I think this is my worst one yet. I went back to my room, I know I'm not supposed to be there but my foot kept walking toward that direction and I ended up touching the doorknob of my room. The metal doorknob felt cold against my touch.

I decided to go in and dance a bit. I did a few arabesque, pirouettes and jetés. I did a bit of gymnastics as well. Scorpion, needle, contortion handstand, splits and side aerial. Finally, I ended off with a series of ballet and gymnastic moves together and ended in a split.

The sound of hands clapping snapped me back to reality. 'Amazing dance moves deary but I suggest you do this on the weekends not tonight.' A voice came from the doorway. ' mom? How did you know I was here?' I turned around.

'You must have forgotten my room is beneath yours, dear. Your Grand jete made a thud on the ceiling of mine and I knew immediately why.' My mom guided me towards the Gryffindor tower.

'Dear, make sure she stays in the tower today, will you?' The Fat Lady nodded and opened the portal.

Damn! Guess there's no way I can sneak out tonight again. Sigh.I dragged my feet slowly toward the stairs and entered the room with 'first years' written on it. I didn't even bother to change into my pajamas and fell asleep on the bed.

I had a really strange dream. I was in my room, or at least I thought it looked like my room. I saw a baby lying on the floor and it was crying non stop. I reached down and touched the forehead, it had a lightning scar. This must be Harry. But why is he in my dream? I carried it onto my arms and I saw He-who-must-not-be-named! He jumped up and sort of glided towards me.I saw his lips move and the green light I always see during my migraines appeared.

I woke up suddenly and I realised I was drenched in sweat. I need to go to the Library tomorrow! I need to confirm my theory. After that, I went back to an uneasy sleep.

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