The Lessons

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I woke up at 6 in the morning and changed into my uniform as quickly as I could.I woke Hermione up and we went to the great hall, where a few of my professors were eating their breakfast, including my mom. I gave my mom a wave and sat with Hermione at the Gryffindor table. My mom came down and gave us our timetables for the term.We had some toast and left for the dormitories.We got our books and stuff for our lesson for the day and put them all in a satchel and we headed to the library. I gave a nod to Madam Prince and went straight to the shelf named 'Spell and charms Textbooks'.

I flipped through a fourth-Year textbook and found out that only the three Unforgivable Curses will give out green light. So I've either been hit with an Imperius Curse, a Cruciatus curse or... 'the Avada Kedavra.'

I shuddered at the thought. Even if it was a dream. It felt so real.I took a deep breath and looked at my watch. Potions class is in 10 minutes. I immediately went to the 'history of magic' section. I grabbed Hermione's arm and whispered,,' Potions class is in 10 minutes we have to go.'


The potions dungeon was covered in fog, literally. We waited outside the classroom before Professor Snape allowed us to enter the potions dungeon. I sat with Hermione at the side of the classroom, just behind Harry. I waved at Harry and smiled.

'There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few... Who possesses the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.'

He stopped dramatically and stared at Harry, who was taking notes, I think. The Professor continued.' Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention! Mister Potter. Our new celebrity.' Harry looked confused.

'Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Hermione's hand shot up into the air.

I hesitated, even though I knew the answer.I have read a book on Victorian Flower Language when my mom took me to visit Bathilda Bagshot in Godric's Hollow. According to Victorian Flower Language, asphodel is a type of lily meaning 'My regrets follow you to the grave' and wormwood means 'absence' and also typically symbolises bitter sorrow. If you combined that, it meant 'I bitterly regret Lily's death'. And Lily is Harry's mom so he regrets her death?

Snape's lips curled into a sneer.'Tut,tut- fame clearly isn't everything.' I can't believe he ignored Hermione's hand. That's so rude!

'Let's try again. Potter,where would you look if I told you to find a bezoar?'

Hermione's hand shot into the air again, stretching as high as her hand can reach. My hand shot up almost immediately after hers. I turned away and found Malfoy and his two chubby goons shaking with laughter. Pathetic, I don't think he knows the answer anyway.

' I don't know,sir.'

' Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh, Potter?' At this point, I felt like slapping that greasy haired big bully in the face.

' Professor Snape, he clearly doesn't know the answer. Do you not realise me and Hermione's hand in the air?'

He turned towards me, examining me, the whole dungeon classroom seems to be holding its breath. He paused and I didn't like the look on his face. He sneered.

'Ah... Miss Mcgonagall, I will be chatting with your mother later....And.... Detention.'


' Rose. Why did you do that? You got detention, on the first day of school. And you're the Deputy Headmistress's daughter.' Hermione ran up to me after I stormed out of class.

'It's no big deal, ok?It's fine,' I snapped at her. Hermione looked at me with tearful eyes. I realised what I've done and instantly apologised to her,' I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to...I'm just angry, sorry.'


' Good afternoon students, welcome to charms class. Charms is a vital skill to being a user of magic,' Professor Filius Flitwick said. The charms Professor looks like a dwarf, with a whitening beard,to be honest , but I am sensible enough not to say it out loud. 'I will not be wasting anymore time on the start of term speech. Today, we will be practicing the levitation charm. The spell is 'Wingardium Leviosa', Remember the hand movement we practised , swish and flick. I will assign everyone a partner to practise levitating this feather.'

' Miss Mcgonagall, you will be practising with Miss Greengrass here.' A girl with red hair and hazel brown eyes waved to me. ' Hi! My name is Natalie Grace Louise Greengrass, you can call me Nat if you like. I'm in Gryffindor, like you!' She shook my hand excitedly. I smiled at her enthusiastic demeanour.

I moved over to the table closest to the front of the room and sat next to Natalie. ' okay , let's get into it! Ahem... Wingardium Leviosa!' The feather rose at least an inch off the table,I took the feather and gave it to Natalie.' Give it a try!' I grinned at her. She took a deep breath and murmured,' wing..arduim Leviosa...' The feather quivered but did not levitate off the table. 'It's ok, try again. But this time, with more confidence.' I patted Natalie on the shoulder. She nodded and raised her wand again.' Wingardium Leviosa!' The feather floated gracefully off the table. Natalie grinned at me in delight. 'Thanks! Friends?' Natalie held out her hand. I shook her hand, ' friends,'


After Charms, I wanted to introduce Natalie to Hermione,but she was nowhere to be seen. I went to the Gryffindor common room and I found Harry and Ron sitting on one of the armchairs. ' Hi! Have you guys seen Hermione? I can't seem find her.' The boys looked at me guiltily. I glared at them and frowned. ' what did the both of you do?' They looked at each other and Harry spoke.' Ron called her a nightmare and we think she might have heard him. And we heard a ravenclaw girl saying that she heard Hermione crying in the girls' toilet.'

I gave them a cold hard stare. ' I'll find you guys later and if she's upset, you both can await your death.'and  I left the gryffindor common room with Natalie. We checked every girls' toilet and heard Hermione sobbing in a cubicle in the toilet nearest to the charms corridor nearest to the third floor corridor. I knocked on the cubicle door. 'Hermione, are you ok?Can we come in?'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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