Nathalia's First Vaccination

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"My first vaccination urgh finally"
Nathalia's excited for her first vaccination knowing that it will took her another month for her second one and then she finally can go anywhere she wants.

She's busy getting ready early in the morning.

She checked her phone.

"he didn't text me today?"

She thought to herself maybe he's busy working.

So she didn't care and just think about what's gonna happen today.

She arrived at the hospital,waited for couple minutes,checked her phone.He didn't text her.

"nyeh,I don't care"

She said.

After she finished her vacc,went for food and straight away got back home.


She got a notification on her phone

It's him.

"Hey so how's your vacc goin?" He asked

"It was okay" she replied.

He told her to rest.

Their conversation kept on going until she fell asleep cause she felt weak and her left arm kinda sore.

After she's awake from her little nap,she texted him.

"Hey,sorry I fell asleep"

He immediately reply

"Itsokay,so how's your rest?"

"It was good"

It took about 10 mins for him to type.

"So I-,hmm i-... I think maybe it is the perfect time for us to reveal our faces"

He said.


She send her pic to him.

"Wow you're so pretty,I can't believe myself that I was actually talking to this one pretty girl"

He said to her.

Her heart flatters and her stomach full of butterflies flying around.

His turn to send her his pic.

Nathalia was shocked.


She said that to herself while hitting her pillow and shouting onto it.

"Wow you are actually so cute"

She replied to him,tried so hard to control her actual thoughts of him.

"I mean looking at you,you are much more cuter,lady.Damn"

He said.

They introduced their real names to each other.

"So umm what's your real name?"

Nathalia asked.

"HAHHAHAHA so real names now?"

He laughed.

"Yes heheh"

"So my name is Mateo.What about you?"

"My name is Nathalia.It was nice to know you,Cutie Mateo"

"HAHAHHA I'm not that cute but thanks.You're more cuter tho"

They started flirting.

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