Moving On Tips Please

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Emersyn and Sameera tried their best to cheer her up,giving her tips to Be the BADDEST BITCH.

It didn't work .

Moving on takes time.
Everyone knows that.

Nathalia wanted to meet him so bad.
She tried her best to fix their situationship.
Eventhough she knew that it wouldn't work.
Because it's just unrequited.
One sided.

One sided love never works.
She knew that.
She was trying to hard.

Emersyn had enough.

She texted Nathalia.

"Nath,I know that you love him so bad.But he didn't.He didn't love you.He might have met someone new as well.Move on,Nathalia.Weak just because of a guy? Come on.This isn't you.Stand up for yourself.He's not the only guy in this world.Please..forget about him,take your time."

Nathalia seen her text.
She didn't care.
Her heart vs her mind.

She's hard headed.

She decided to go by taxi to his workplace to surprise him.

But how bad he is.

He saw her and didn't wanna come out.
Cause he knows that if she saw him,she will fell even harder.

She took a taxi to drive her for almost an hour just to meet him.
But he didn't wanna come out.
That what's make her heart hurt even more.
She cried on her way home for almost an hour.

The 60- years old taxi driver just watched her over the mirror.
And asked her
"Miss,are u okay?"

She just kept quiet.

The taxi driver began to worry.
He stopped at the street shop.

"Miss imma stop at the street shop for a little while yea?"

She nod her head.

About 5 -10 minutes later,the taxi driver came back to the cab and hand her something.

He gave her chocolates and ice cream to make her at least a little better.

"Miss here a little treat for you.It may not be much but maybe it could heal your heart a bit"

He said.

"Thank you so much"

Nathalia said.

He smiled at her,with sad eyes.

He stared at her.

"Is there something on my face?"

Asked Nathalia as she saw him stared at her.

"You remind me of my  daughter"

Nathalia stopped eating her ice cream and asked "really? Where is she?"

"She passed away 8 years ago,she committed suicide due to stress and depression.Love caused her to be like that."

He said.

"I'm sorry to hear that.May she rest in peace yea"

Nathalia respond.

"Thank you so much,she's my only daughter.Me and my wife left with just with each other.If only she didn't leave us,she'll be happily married by now and we would've be taking care of our grandchildren.Watching you cry breaks my heart.I don't want u to suffer just because of love yea?.There's still more journeys coming in your life.You're still young"

Nathalia nods.

The taxi driver continue driving to her house.

Arrived at her house,the old taxi driver nod and smiled at her.She knock on the driver's window and give him a hug.

She waved at him,saying goodbye.

She won't let her love for Mateo takes over her.

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