George Not Found

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The day after George left 

"Where is he?!" Wilbur shouted to Sophie

"I've told you a million times! I. Don't. Know!" she yelled back

"Don't shout to me like that!" he raised his voice louder

Sophie was going to retort but decided in the long run it would be better if she didn't. She sighed.

"Now, where is he" he said more calmer

"I don't know, I'm sorry. The last I saw him was yesterday, the same time as you" she said

Wilbur just huffed and practically ran to the throne room where the king was raining hellfire to anyone who crossed him wrong. He entered the room

"King Eret" he bowed "I have questioned a few servants if they are aware of George's whereabouts and it seems we are back to square one. I ca-"

The king held his hand up silencing the panicked guard "Who said anything about 'we'? WE are not back at square one. YOU are back at square one! And you are the one wasting time in here telling me useless information! Try going beyond the gates, and asking around the peasants. Since he's obviously not here, he's got out." the king had his sunglasses off now - he had threw them at a wall in rage when he heard the prince had gotten out

"With all due respect your highness. You say there's no we but, aren't you not worried about your son's whereabouts?" Wilbur asked cautiously

The king sent a sinister glare to Wilbur "Son? A son does not run away from his father, his home, his responsibilities. If anything that boy is a coward who didn't want to do something he's destined to do. He is a coward that runs away from any problem he's faced with. I want him back because I need an heir. I don't care how you get him, but I want him back by the masquerade ball. Understood?"

Wilbur nodded "Yes sir"

Wilbur left the room to leave the castle completely. He made it half way into the village until he turned into a newspaper shop, the bell above the door ringed only for it too fall tot he floor

"Fundy, for the fifth time, would you like me to fix this for you?" he picked the bell up and turned to the orange haired man who was smiling

He exhaled heavily "Yes, you can fix it I give in!"

Wilbur took his coat off and began fixing the bell above the door, seeming to struggle with a bit of it. He was determined.

"Anyway, what brings you here. I hardly see you outside the castle anymore" Fundy asked restocking a few snacks and treats

Wilbur stepped off the stool he was on "Are those flyers ready to be given out?" he moved the stool to its original spot

"Flyers?" Fundy stopped and thought "Oh! Flyers, yes they're ready. Let me get them"

Fundy came from the back of his shop and handed the flyers to Wilbur. He had been requested to hand print hundreds of flyers within a few hours, he took the offer as he would be payed a lot for it.

"These are excellent" Wilbur admired the first few "within just a few hours as well"

"I do try but yes I am awesome" Fundy flicked imaginary long hair over his shoulder

"Anyway, I should go, I need to hand these out and stick them up" Wilbur made his way out the shop "stay safe Fundy!"

Fundy yelled back but Wilbur didn't catch what he said. He carried on his trip into the village handing out flyers and sticking them up in random areas that people. Everyone had eyes on him and he felt a sense of embarrassment and humiliation. Why? He had no idea.

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