Letters, Poems and Sonnets

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George had been awake for a while. He was trying to think of what to write to Dream

"Something simple is fine" George sighed sitting up

He walked over to his desk and sat down grabbing plain paper and a pen, he began to write


Don't worry I understand what you're saying and I get it. My father is very intimidating with his power so I don't blame you for doing what he said. I'm glad you didn't betray me and just give me up for money. I'm also glad that you sent me a letter, it was nice to hear from you even though we had just seen each other at the time. I plan on writing to you by the way so don't hesitate to write back!

I miss you.

- George

P.S say hello to Patches and everyone for me!

George signed off the letter and placed it in an envelope sealing it carefully on the front of the envelope he wrote

To Dream :)
Pirate ship

He stood from his desk and got dressed into a new white shirt and black trousers and normal boots, he left his coat of as it was a hot day. He tidied his hair and placed the crown on his head.

Leaving the room he saw Wilbur standing across from his door

"Morning George!" He called

"Wilbur. What are you doing here?" George asked closing the door

"I'm off duty today so I'm wandering" Wilbur smiled

"Okay, you can come with me then. I'm going to the servant chambers to see Sophie, I need to give her something" George said already walking towards the chambers

"Oh? What's the thing you're giving?" Wilbur wondered looking over George's shoulder

"A letter to Dream. Turns out he's not a heartless monster- it's my father who is" George spoke with a distasteful tone

Wilbur chuckled "Ah well you do seem happier than yesterday so that's good"

George nodded and smiled quickly looking out of the window where the ship was in perfect view. From where he was he could see slight movement on the ship, his eyesight made out Karl and Quackity messing around with Tubbo holding something out of his reach. He laughed at the sight

"Come on, I heard they're leaving later, you don't want to miss the opportunity" Wilbur said pulling him from the window

They both made it to the chambers and walked in immediately seeing Sophie

"George! Hey Wilbur" she smiled "did you read the letter?"

"Yep! And I have my response" George handed her the letter

"Okay, I'll deliver it right away. I'm going to the market anyway"

"Thank you so much! You're the best" George yelled

"You're welcome" she smiled

"Oh George, I've just remembered you have a quick meeting with your father" Wilbur called from the doorway

"Alright, bye Sophie. Thanks again!" George said following Wilbur out the door

Sophie left the chambers a little after Wilbur and George and made her way to a door leading out of the castle. She left and walked to the gates clutched the envelope tightly to keep it in her hand but not too tight to ruin it

"Where are you off to?" One of the guards said

"The village, I've been sent to buy vegetables for supper tonight" Sophie said politely

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