The Truth

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Rose reads the email she just received and after she finish reading the email tears starts to come out from her eyes and falls to her pants.

"This can't be real" She tells herself.

Rose turns off her phone and put it aside for a moment. She is in a deep thought of what she should do now. What did she exactly read?


The sun rises and Rose is already awake sitting by the window looking outside. Sana who is leaving for work is surprise to see Rose already awake at this hour.

"Hey you're awake" Sana goes and hugs her bestfriend.


"What makes you wake up so early?"

"Oh nothing I just feel like it"

"Don't lie to me I know there is something that is going on" Sana tighten her hugs.

"What can you do?"

"Maybe not now because I have to go but We'll talk about it when I'm home"

Sana release Rose from the hug and leaves the house. Rose then gets a phone call from JYP himself, she already know what he's about to say so she just answers the call. JYP calls Rose because he wants to meet her personally at the company, Rose puts down her phone and get ready to go. She takes an uber this time because she doesn't want anyone to know about this.

She stands in front of the company building and look up knowing that this could be the last time she's gonna see the building. With a deep breathe she enters the building.


"Ah Rose you're finally here" JYP greets Rose entering his room.

"Have a seat please" Rose sits down on the chair in front of his desk. 

"By now I think you know why I call you here right"

Rose just nods to what JYP just said.

"I know it's hard for you to part ways with Sana but she also told me when you first came here that being a successful song composer is your dream so this is another golden opportunity for you Rose, don't worry you can still make songs for us even without you being here"

"Yeah I'll talk with Sana about this soon and decides then" Rose replies.

"Good choice, their promotion for today ends before lunchtime so you can just wait at the cafeteria for them"

"I appreciate everything you have done for me PD-nim" Rose bows to JYP and leaves the room.

On the way to the elevator she looks at her phone and it's only 11 am so he has time to spend by herself. She press the button to call for the elevator when suddenly someone call her from behind.

"Unnie!" Rose turns around and see Yuna waving at her.

"Ah Yuna hello"

"I see you came out of PD-nim office is it good news or bad news?"

"Hmmm hard to say actually..."

"I leave it to you then I believe you know what's best"


Twice is done with their promotion for today, it was just one interview so it was short and quick. In the car on the way back to the company Sana sits beside Nayeon who's pondering while looking out through the window. Nayeon just couldn't take it anymore and finally tells the truth to Sana.


"Yes unnie"

"Can I ask a favor from you?"

"Of course what is it?"

"Can I come to your house today? I have something to say to Rose..."

Sana quickly understands what's going on because she has suspect something is going on between them two ever since their promotion began a week ago.

"I understand unnie you can even come after lunch"

"Thank you so much Sana"


Sana picks up Rose in the parking lot and she wasn't told why Rose came to the company today despite having no work to do.

"So why are you here today?" 

"Oh PD-nim asked me to come"

"Ohhh I think he likes you"

"No don't say that ish"

"So what's the good news"

"I'll tell you when we get home"

"Speaking of which Nayeon is coming to our house later"

"WHAT!" Rose shouts out of shocked.

"Ah you scared me"

"I'm sorry I was surprise to hear that"

"She said she has something to tell you"


Rose decides to break the news to both of them at the same time because both of them are very dear to her. What concerns her the most right now is how would both of them react to this news. She could make Nayeon cry if she hear this news but only time will tell.

10 minutes later they arrive at their house and Nayeon is already there which surprise them both. All three of them enters the house and sit on the dining table. The atmosphere is very quiet and awkward but Rose gathers the courage to speak up.

"So today me and PD-nim had a talk"

"So what is it about?" Sana askes

"Well last night I got an email about a big entertainment company in America having a vacancy for song composer and they wanted me to fill in that vacancy, so we had a talk and PD-nim really supports the decision of me going there and after thinking for a while I think it would be the right decision to make" Rose breaks the news.

Sana and Nayeon can't believe what they just heard. Sana was filled with joy because she knows it's been Rose's whole life dream of becoming a successful song composer. Nayeon on the other hand starts to cry knowing that she might not have anymore time to spend with the woman she love. She was too stunned to say anything.

"Yes Rose you should definitely accept the offer, expanding your work so that everyone in this world could experience it" Sana is overwhelm with Joy right now.

"Yea I think so too"

"When will you start to move out?" Nayeon askes holding back her tears.

"Next week" 

"Oh unnie you said you wanted to say something to Rose, what is it?"

"Nevermind, please excuse me" Nayeon stands up and leaves the house.

She enters her car and starts hitting the steering wheel while crying.

"WHY! WHY! WHY! NAYEON YOU ARE SO STUPID! YOU SHOULD HAVE EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS" Nayeon continues to cry and hitting the steering wheel.

"Now look at yourself crying in the car because of how stupid you are, you are not being yourself all this time WHY? WHY? WHY?"

𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙...

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