12: Goodbyes

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I arrived in my office and saw Mercy looking devastated. I wondered what could have happened to her, could it be because of what I said to her about Jace? I thought and decided I had to inform her of the new development.

"Mercy?", I called to her

"Why did you lie to me?", She asked, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Lie? About what?", I asked confused.


"Don't play innocent with me! Why did you lie about Peter!!", She yelled

" Mercy calm down, it was for your own good"

" For my own good? First you make me go through all these drama and now you don't trust me? You think telling me about your little secrets will somehow have a consequence?", She said.

"Mercy let me explain everything, I didn't want to add more to your worries by telling you about Peter", I tried to explain

"Why did you have to lie, why couldn't you just say he was injured badly, I could have handled it all, you think that would worsen my mental health right? I had to watch the one I love nearly die Infront of me and you think this is a big deal?", She said coldly

" I am sorry Mercy, I promise once this is over, everything will be clear to you"

" And you think this is ever going to come to an end, you guys are caught up in something deep, something bigger, something dangerous. Look at what they did to Peter, me getting involved will only make matters worse especially since you don't trust me-"

" We do trust you, we just need more time to get this all together before letting you know all about this. It has been less than a day and you ha had to go through so much, you need all the rest you can get now", I said trying to calm her down

"No doctor, I will make things easier for you guys. I will leave for good and I will never return here", she said looking sober now.

"Mercy don't, we need you here.... Atleast for Jace", I pleaded but it fell on deaf ears

"When Jace wakes up, tell him I did my best for him and that I love him", she said sniffing and then turned to walk away. I knew trying to stop her wasn't going to work so I just said,

"He loves you too, and I am sorry on behalf of everyone. Jace should be able to join you in school after two weeks...... Goodbye", I said the last part with hesitation. Even though I have known her for less than 24 hours, I felt a strong connection with her, she is strong and determined and I can only imagine what she's going through right now. But I can't afford to tell her the real reason begin Peter's ordeal, I feel so sorry for her but there is little I can do for her right now.


This is the hardest goodbye I have had to say but I knew it was for the best. Me being here would only make things complicated and I couldn't afford to lose anymore of my friends. I just hope that whatever little secret they are keeping won't land them in serious mess.

"I know", I said to the doctor then turned to leave the hospital. I went well straight to school not bothering about how I looked like because I knew I was looking miserable. I entered into the school and the few people standing in the hallway were wondering what has happened to me while some came to me directly but I just shrugged them off saying I am okay.

"Mercyyy", Phoebe said running towards me. She knew something was wrong so she didn't bother asking me like the others did instead she dragged me into an empty class and threw me into a tight hug assuring me whatever it is that I was going through, everything would be okay. After few minutes, she finally threw the big question...

" Is it Jace again?", She said the last part looking worried and annoyed at the same time. I just burst out into uncontrollable tears and she drew me close to her chest while cursing at Jace.

"That son of a.... Who does he think he is to keep hurting you like this? He was supposed to take you on a date not.... ",

"Stop it Phoebe!!", I yelled at her unintentionally and she was taken aback surprised at my sudden change in reaction but she didn't get angry.

"I am sorry, Phoebe I didn't mean it like that", I apologized.

"It is okay, tell me what happened", she said soothing me.

"Jace.... Jace is in a coma", I said gathering all the courage I have in me before I broke down in tears again.

"What?!", Phoebe said in shock trying to put herself together.

"Y...ye...yess", I said in tears, "he was trying to tell me about his past and the reason he did what he did that night but all of a sudden, he just fell into a trance and....now he is in the hospital", I explained still crying.

"I am so sorry about that", Phoebe said consoling me, " what about Peter?", She asked but I just kept mute.

"Mercy? Is he okay?", She asked looking worried and I shook my head.

"Should we skip school and get some ice cream?", She said again. I knew she was trying to cheer me up but it was not working at all.

"You won't refuse an ice cream date, would you?", She said forcing a smile. I can sense that she is really worried and she is doing all she can to cheer me up.

"Okay", I said simply.


We arrived at the ice cream shop and allowed Phoebe make the orders. I sat down at the far end of the shop and waited for Phoebe to come. While I was sitting, I got lost in thought when I was distracted by the phone ring, it was my mum

Hello mum?

Hello Mercy... I have some news for you

Which news? Good or bad

Uhmmm in between

Just spill it mum

Okay good news first


Your dad just got a promotion in his job

That is great news...  Atleast some good news today, I thought So what about the bad news?

Sweetheart how I will tell you this?


We are moving


Yes he got transferred to Ohio and we have to move there to support him as a family

But mummm can't I just stay here?

I can't assure you of that honey...

Bye mom

Wait I-

I hung up before she could say anything else.

"Mercy here, your favourite flavor", She said

"I hate my life"

"Mercy? Don't say that"

"Arghhhhhhhhhhh", I screamed and ran out of the shop, I wanted to go somewhere far away, somewhere no one would be able to find me. I couldn't think of anywhere else to go than the hospital. I knew I couldn't go there so I just headed for the park. I felt someone was trailing me so I turned back to see who it was.

"Peter? Are you okay? Did Doctor Campbell say you are good to go?", I said walking towards him

"Mercy please don't go", he said leaping towards me with bandage all over his face and hands. His head was wrapped with bandage and there was stitches all over his body, he looked so bad and I am sure he must have forced his way to come here

"Peter you shouldn't be here, pls go"

"PETER!!!!", Phoebe said screaming at the sight of Peter, "Mercy what happened why did you run out", she said confused.

"Wtf is happening here?!", Phoebe yelled

Uh oh things are heating up real quick..... Sorry for the late update anyways 🙃🥺

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