3: Seriously?

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I woke up to the sound of people murmuring and when I looked to my side,I saw a sleeping Jace,he was looking amazing as always, his brown hair covered half of his face and his head was rested on my shoulder....how cute he is

Wait what?!

Have we been sleeping? No this can't be, Phoebe must be so mad at me.... I looked back to my side and tapped the glorious creature resting so peacefully..

"Hmmmm whatttt?",he said sleepily

"Wake up!",I whisper-yelled. He lifted his head up and stretched out his arm widely then rubbed his face with his palm and said in a clearer tone

"What happened", I couldn't reply as Phoebe and Peter came rushing in.

"Guys is it true", Phoebe asked eagerly

"True that what",I questioned oblivious of what is happening

"Come off it,the news is all over the school,you don't need to pretend anymore",Peter said straight to the point.

"I don't understand a single thing here",Jace said confused. Our attentions were diverted to the group of teens standing by the door what are they still doing there?!

"Told you they were a thing",one said what the f.....

"But he just said he hated her yesterday",another said with a duh tone. Yesterday,will you stop bringing yourself back?

"Guess he changed his mind overnight",the third one said emphasizing on the last word. Are this people nut?

"Hmmmm... That a miracle by the way",I wanted to tell them so bad that we were not a couple and that he just came to apologize but then we slept off....but that couldn't happen as we stopped listening to them and Phoebe said

"Heard that?",she asked focusing her attention on both of us

"Heard what",I asked feigning innocence and Peter gave me a death glare but ignored it.

"Give it up girl,everyone knows that you guys are are a thing",Peter said. Am not a girl, am a young lady

"No we are not",Jace replied quickly

"Yes he is right he just came to apologize for the whole thing, you know",I added and by now the crowd had already died down.

*Bell Rings*
Thank God for that, I love you bell.

"Pfffft,say that to the school",Peter said sarcastically and both he and Phoebe started laughing.... How on earth is that funny.

"Anyways we have to go",Jace said getting up and he held out his hand which I gladly took I was to lazy to stand up

"Awwwwnnnn",both Phoebe and Peter cooed...those two seriously

"You know what,if you really wanna know the real couple here, check yourselves out cos you are acting like one",I said confidently like I just had an achievement. Jace gave me a high five and we left the class leaving the two dumbfounded.

Live with that friends.....but wait is there something going on? Nahhhh

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