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EVIE AND I agreed, after we made Ben an outfit, to go later today when it's dark outside, because everyone would basically be asleep. So, that meant I had a couple minutes time to swipe the remote and keys of the limo.

I walked down to the garage, unfortunately, there was a driver there. I tiptoed over to the cabinet, finding it open, I looked through the rows of keys and finally found the limo's.

Now, here was the problem, a small one actually, the remote was always with a driver and there's only about two on campus. I'll take a guess and say both of them have one.

I snuck up behind the guy, distracted him with a voice in his head which would make him fall asleep, and grabbed the remote out of his pocket. I smirked, walking back out of the garage.

I quickly strided back to my room to change into something more Isle proof, I guess. I now wore a pair of black leather pants, a red shirt under my white, red and black leather jacket which was zipped up and had a hood, my heeled boots, black fingerless gloves, and some gold jewelry. I also grabbed a dagger of mine, placing it into the secret pocket of my jacket.

I then had to go meet up with the group in Evie's dorm room. I knocked on the door, two taps and a pound, so they knew it was me.

Evie opened the door slightly, sighing in relief when she saw me and opening the door. "Good, you're here. Do you have the keys?"

I smiled, jiggling them in my hand and holding out the remote in my other palm, as I walked into the room, being met with Jay, Carlos and Ben standing and sitting around.

"Course I do." I grinned, leaning against the pole of Mal's bed.

"Did you see anyone in the halls?" Ben asked me, just to be sure everyone was asleep.

"Nope, the coast is clear." I nodded, tossing Jay the two items.

"Then let's bounce!" Jay shouted, walking to the door with us trailing behind him. We ran quietly and quickly through the halls, throwing open the back doors and rushing down a flight of stairs.

"Wait! Something's wrong." Evie shouted and we all looked over at her. She lifted her arms and fixed Ben's hat. "There."

I chuckled quietly as I suddenly heard light footsteps. "Shotgun!"

We all looked down at him, and we were all flabbergasted, Dude could talk. "No, Dude, stay. The Isle is way too dangerous." Carlos ordered him, unfazed.

"Did he just-" Jay asked super confused like the rest of us.

"Talk? Yeah, I know. I'll tell you later." Carlos finished for him, and we all began filling into the car.

"Let's go." Ben shrugged.

"Yeah, so hurry up, Benjamin!" I shouted, pushing him towards the car, and we all hopped in.

"Ok. Once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage." Evie planned out. "Got it?"

"Got it." Jay nodded.

We crossed the bridge quickly, then shut it, parking under the place E planned. We all got out of the car as Carlos grabbed a sheet to cover the car.

"Ben! Help me with the tarp." He carried it over to the limo, and we helped him cover it.

I noticed Ben walk over to Uma's tunnel. I may or may not have had an encounter with her and her crew last summer, because they nicked me, but I got out just fine.

"Hey, what's in here?" Ben asked, voice echoing.

"Ben!" I ran over to him, pulling him away, as the others came over too.

𝐃𝐄 𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀 𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄 - carlos de vil ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now