
950 16 1

I FINALLY got up after tossing and turning for half an hour, wanting to go back to sleep. It was now 7:30 and class began at 8:00, meaning I had plenty of time. I stood up, walking over to my closet, built into the wall. I chose to wear something simple-ish, a red shirt dress, black mesh tights, black leather jacket, red gloves, gold jewellery, and the classic pair of boots.

By now it was already 7:50, so I left my dorm, grabbing my backpack which was red with a Dalmatian print on it, and headed to my locker to pick up my chemistry textbook. We had a test this morning which was extremely easy, I just hoped Evie had studied.

I opened my locker, re-organizing a couple of things. From the corner of my eye, I saw Carlos come and lean on my left side, against the locker.

"Hi, Carlos." I greeted, still looking at my locker.


"You did really good out there yesterday on the field." I chuckled, glancing at him, and he blushed lightly.

"R-Really? Thanks." He thanked me.

"So, are you actually going to steal the wand?" I pondered, cocking a brow and closing the door, locking it.

"W-what... What wand?" Carlos laughed nervously.

"Shit. I'll talk with you later about it, we have class in a bit. Don't tell the other three yet, I'll explain." I swore looking at my phone for the time, which was 7:57. I then walked off needed to get to the lab quickly, leaving Carlos dumbstruck.

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. · ───

Was I late to class? Yeah, but Mr. Delay wasn't there so technically no. Anyway, I hate this class because I had to sit on the left side of Chad, who was an absolute ass.

Mr. Delay had given out of tests and as I was writing the answer to number two, Evie was looking through her purse loudly.

"Looking for something?" The teacher asked Eve, and she slammed her bag closed. He then held up Evie's magic mirror. "Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honour code."

"Yeah, because he's a kiss-up." I scoffed quietly, behind the hand that was holding up my head.

"It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."

"Mr. Delay, I-"

"But that isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... Whatever it is." Doug stood up for her.

"It's called a magi-"

"You're not helping, stop." Doug shushed her. "Maybe she needed another pencil."

"Actually, I was-"

"Really, don't help. Please." The son pleaded.

"Well, if you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop." The professor said, making a deal. This is why I said: I hope Evie had studied.

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. · ───

I was at my locker, texting Evie. Apparently she had received a B+ on her test from this morning, which obviously means she passed and got her mirror back. I shut off my phone and shoved it into my bag, quickly threw it over my shoulder, shut my locker, and began walking back to my dorm.

"Lyn!" Someone yelled as I turned around and saw Carlos jogging down the hall.

Oh, right, I said we would talk. "Hi, Carlos."

"Hey, you said we'd talk." He reminded me once he caught up with me.

"Yep, I did promise. Ok, let's go to my dorm, I guess." I shrugged and began walking side by side to my room.

I pulled the key out of my pocket, unlocking the door and seeing that Lonnie wasn't home, perfect. I threw my bag onto my desk and Carlos did the same. I sat on my bed, propped up against the headboard.

"So... where should I start?" I pondered, fiddling with a ring of mine.

"Probably how you knew that we needed a tear." Carlos chuckled, sitting on the edge of the mattress.

"Right. I have powers, mind reading and telepathy." He looked confused, having never heard of this term before. "I can read your mind, basically hear your thoughts when I want too, and I can communicate with you in your head."

"Your lying." Carlos laughed.

"I'm dead serious, de Vil." I denied.

"Really? What am I thinking about then?"

"How you don't want to steal the wand and want to stay here." I said, truthfully, listening to his swarmed thoughts.

"Wow." He exclaimed, leaning back against the bed pole and lifting his feet up onto the bed, beside me.

"You don't have too, you know. You guys aren't your parents, you said it yourself." I reassured him.

"I know, but it's to make our parents proud of us."

"Deep down you guys know they'll never actually will be, though." I shrugged, running a hand through my hair. After a moment of thinking about it, he nodded slowly. I threw my feet over the side of the bed, moving closer to him. "You okay?"

"Um... Yeah." He responded, sitting on the edge next to me. "I better get going."

"Mhm... I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" I smiled gently, with a hand on his shoulder.

"Yea, see ya." Carlos smiled, stood up, and left.

── · .゚☆: NEXT DAY :☆゚. · ──

It had been a day since I talked with Carlos and nothing had changed much, except the fact that they now planned the whole thing out on how they would steal the wand last time I heard their thoughts, but I knew they wouldn't.

I had skipped Family day because my parents were all the way in London taking care of our dogs, and I was all the way over here in Auradon. At the moment, I was in my dorm with Jane and Lonnie.

"Can you believe she undid my hair?" Jane cried, touching the ends of her hair, sitting at the desk.

"You did insult her after she did your hair, Jane." I sighed annoyed, sitting at the end of my bed.

"How could you say that, Lyn?" Lonnie asked, the two taken aback by my words, sitting on her bed.

"Jane, you insulted her after she basically did both of your hair, wasting her time on you guys. What did you want me to say? 'Oh, yeah, I agree. Ben would never make the person, he loves, his Queen.' What is wrong with you two?" I scoffed, slamming my book shut and walking out the door.

I pulled the flannel off my waist, putting it on. I headed down the hall to Mal and Evie's room, tired of pink princesses.

𝐃𝐄 𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀 𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄 - carlos de vil ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now