Chapter 6

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I notice the feeling of being watched before anything else today. It's almost like I can feel the weight of someone's gaze pressing into my skin and prickling up the back of my neck.

I try to ignore it at first. I am used to being stared at by now. Especially since my announcement of the first challenge before we sat to eat this morning. From the barely muffled gasps, I don't think anyone expected it would be so soon, but I don't see the use in drawing out the inevitable. Those who over indulged a little on the pixie punch last night are not the people I want at my side anyway, so it helps me out in that regard. As soon as I noticed all my champions were in attendance at breakfast, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to reveal it.

The challenge was to be a hunt which would take place at midday today. In the early hours of this morning, after waking well rested for the first time in weeks, I ordered five of my silk scarfs be taken into the forest. Each one enchanted and hidden by an individual warrior from my Queen's guard.

Those who retrieved and returned with one would continue into the next challenge and those who did not would be forced to drop out.

It was perfect. I didn't have to make the decision, and I didn't have to choose between anyone. For now, at least.

Owen tries to catch my eye as I leave the hall and my heart twinges with guilt at avoiding him. At this stage in the contest I cannot chance showing favour to anyone and I just hope he will understand that.

The sensation of watchful pressure on my skin follows me as I retreat from the Great Hall, where everyone is quietly scheming for the challenge. I glance at Alessia to see if she has noted the feeling.

Her eyes are running along every wall and window, but she doesn't look anymore alert than usual, which is something I find most curious. Alessia has a sixth sense for danger and always has done. Her talent ensured she was handpicked for the royal guard at a young age. She describes it as a buzz of warning in her ear, and it has always intrigued me. Whatever the watcher is, they are not a danger to me if she cannot feel them.

A whisper in the back of my mind reminds me that my gift is ready to protect me from whatever is stalking me through the halls. The gift encourages me to stretch out my consciousness as we enter the public library.

Heads rise at my entrance, but the other person is still watching and I can barely manage more than a tight smile. Could this be the person who left me the note?

I nod my greeting and the curious fae and they return to their reading. Slowly, I breathe out and reach. For the first time since I started training as a child, my energy obeys me and stretches out tendrils to search the air. One pieces brushes against another person. Another mind. I inhale sharply, as I'm suddenly convinced I can smell the air after a storm. We don't have storms here often, but the smell after them is one of my favourites. Wet, earthy and fresh.

The other mind responds to my probe with a gentle caress in return and I reel back into my body. Although the sensation does not feel threatening, I could never touch the mind of another and I'm still not entirely sure how my gift knew we would be able to now. The Undoing purrs inside me, apparently pleased by the smell and our progress.

It is then realise I have been standing, unmoving, in the library entrance and I am drawing people's attention again.

Slowly, purposefully, I begin to walk through the maze of shelves and make my way to the history of the fae section. Heads lower again and I feel relief course through me. I have enough problems without rumours suggesting I am going mad as well now.

There's something about the library that feels like home and escape all at once. I love it here. Although the tower library houses some of our more unusual and fragile works, there are still many kept here in the public library area.

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