Chapter 10

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Neither of us speak for a moment. He is close enough that he could kiss me. Or perhaps I could kiss him? I consider the thought before taking a breathing deeply and reluctantly stepping back.

"OK." I whisper.

"OK?" Ezra looks bewildered as he tries to work out if this is a good or bad response.

"OK, I will give you a chance. I'm not promising anything. You hurt me, Ezra, and now I don't just have myself to think of either. I have a kingdom relying on me to choose the right person to lead at my side. What will you do if that isn't you?"

He doesn't hesitate, "Then I'll be here for you as a friend. You cannot push me away and I will not leave you again."

I bite my bottom lip between my teeth as I consider his words, "We shall see, I suppose."

He seems to notice the paperwork I was lost in for the first time, "Well, that looks thrilling?" he laughs.

I roll my eyes at his sarcasm, "Not all of us can run away from our responsibilities."

He fake winces at the not-so-subtle dig, "On that pleasant note, I suppose I should leave you to it."

"That would be for the best." I agree, escorting him to the door. 

"I'll see you soon?" Ezra asks, somewhat hopefully at the door.

I'm not used to him not teasing or somehow insulting me, and it's an adjustment to work out how to respond, "Perhaps. You are in my home, after all."

Ezra laughs as he walks away, and I catch Kyp smiling, too. "What is that face for?" I ask him.

He quickly straightens his expression, "Forgive me, your majesty."

I laugh, "I'm not quite the terror people might believe. Please feel free to speak plainly."

Kyp gives me a strange sideways glance, eyes still scanning the halls to watch for anyone approaching, "Speaking plainly then, your majesty. Perhaps Alessia is not the only one who tries to push people away."

I consider that before replying, "Perhaps you are right."

Or perhaps I have good reason to hold people at arm's length when everyone I have ever loved has left me?


The rest of the day passes without event and Alessia re-joins me shortly before we make our way to dinner. She looks refreshed, but guilty. I know she had not planned to sleep for as long as she did, despite obviously needing it. I try to reassure her, but she is impossibly stubborn.

Over dinner I announce the second task. A physical test of strength and strategy in hand-to-hand combat. Only three victors will make it through to join me in the final part of this ridiculous charade.

I hear the excited whispers flying around the court. Talk of bets, first blood, and whether anyone will die. It turns my stomach to think of it and I pray it is not as brutal as they seem to hope it will be. I've already said each fight will end at first blood. I just have to hope that the first blood they achieve are not fatal wounds.

The night that follows is as restless as the last, with additional worry about the task making sleep a greater challenge.


My eyes drift slowly along the seated row of armoured fighters. Blood drips from a cut just above Finn's eyebrow and the bruises along his jaw tell me he will be feeling his fights tomorrow. Somehow, he didn't win a single one despite being quite the warrior. I could tell his heart wasn't in it as soon as he arrived and gave me that apologetic smile.

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