Chapter 9

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When the next morning dawns I am relieved to see to see my mystery visitor has not come again and there are no notes or signs of disturbance as I make my way over to the window. It's early and a light mist hangs over the hillside. For a moment, I just gaze out at the mountains, with the same longing I did as a child. Dreaming of adventure beyond the castle walls.

The Undoing senses my unhappiness and moves inside of me, effectively distracting me from those dreams. At the wardrobe my hands skim over dresses before settling on a dark green one and stiffly attempting to dress myself. Despite being determined to avoid company, my aching body betrays me as waves of exhaustion crash through me with every movement. Getting dressed should not feel like I am trying to fight against running water.

The fear that I might sleep too deeply and not awaken at the noise of someone in my room kept me from consuming the sleeping draft Violet provided. Constantly on the edge of wakefulness, even when I eventually dozed off, I couldn't even say the sleep I had managed had been particularly fulfilling either.

Nightmares about my mystery visitor plagued the dreams I did have, and I woke in a panic more than once. At one point, I had felt sure there was someone or something in the room with me. A flicker of movement in the corner of my eye and a prickle of awareness up my spine.

But it was gone before I could acknowledge it and the room was silent and empty. I put it down to the aftermath of a dream. Or perhaps it was all a dream itself? It is hard to tell the difference been sleep and wakefulness when you toe that line of exhaustion.

With a frustrated sigh as the corset refuses to tighten correctly, I finally admit defeat and use the crystal to call my staff. Seconds later, the room fills with activity. Maids dress me quickly. Nimble fingers not so encumbered by weariness fasten me into it with practised ease.

"Are you alright my Queen?" Alessia asks, joining me at my door as we make our way to breakfast.

She looks tired, and the shadows of that exhaustion sit just under sunken eyes. I frown, "As well as I can be. Did you not sleep well?"

"I did not sleep, your majesty. I stayed on watch at your door last night." she admits, refusing to meet my eye.

"Alessia!" I gasp, "You cannot do that. Please go and rest immediately." I raise a hand to call the nearest guards to me before she can protest, "These two will stay with me until you can find someone to cover watching me and then I expect you to get some rest."

"But I cannot just-"

"You cannot just disobey your Queen! I command it, Alessia." my tone softens, "Please, I do need you with me, but I also need you well enough and rested."

I see indecision warring across her features before resignation falls over her and she nods, "I will send someone to watch you immediately. Please stay in the dining hall until then?"

If anyone else had said such a thing, I would have immediately have taken offence to being told what to do. But I know Alessia and I know she means well, so I nod my head. 

"Rest friend." I say gently, and with a sigh, she steps into a pool of sunlight and vanishes.

The guards I appropriated follow me silently to breakfast and I'm half-grateful for it as I don't quite know what to say to Alessia now that she knows the truth. The hall is busier than I expected and without anyone running interference as Alessia often does, it took far longer than normal to reach my seat. I am already missing her, it seems.

I have almost finished my meal when a familiar guard appears. "Kyp?" I ask.

"Yes, your majesty. The Captain asked that I guard you until she returns." he says, puffing out his chest in pride that I remembered his name and that he was called on for this task.

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