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"You're looking at the world's first two tombstones, according to legends. Last month, these goods were donated to Whitmore College." Professor Shane- a man with a mess of dark hair on his head and glasses obscuring his eyes, addressed the audience.

Around a hundred visitors were present throughout the museum, enjoying and inquiring about the origins of each relic on display. People gazed at each object with interest, and when they learned about the history of each piece, they were either awestruck or bored.

On pedestals, two medium-sized boulders were set side by side, contrasting each other. The one on the left was white, while the one on the right was a dark, almost black tint. These objects were apparently one of the most important in the exhibition, as duplicates of its portrait were hung behind it with the caption 'Silas & Scarlynn,' along with Greek symbols.

Bonnie Bennett stood back and observed as the man appreciated the pieces that had been placed in front of him. He was staring at them as if they were the most valuable possession in the globe.

"They belonged to two ancient Greek witches, a pair of siblings named Silas and Scarlynn, who were far too powerful and concocted a spell to guarantee them immortality..." He returned his gaze to the screens behind him, where he noticed writings on rocks in what appeared to be a another ancient language. According to mythology, Silas and Scarlynn cast the spell with the help of another witch, Qetsiyah, who was in love with Silas.

"Unfortunately for Qetsiyah, Silas planned to bestow immortality to another woman, his true love, so when she found out, she killed her. She buried Silas and Scarlynn alive in a fit of fury and need for vengeance, leaving them powerless, immortal, and alone." He went on.

Bonnie's skin shivered as she read the storey, but she quickly dismissed the strange sensation in her stomach. There's no way they'd be awakened now, after at least two thousand years, if this story was true.

"It's now said that Silas and Scarlynn seek to reawaken." Bonnie caught a glimpse of venom in Professor Shane's dark eyes as he spoke with a serious face. "They want to reclaim their power and wreak chaos on the world." Perhaps we should be concerned.

For a few seconds, the room was quiet; silence engulfed the gathering. Bonnie was one of the pupils who had been listening to his story and now had a neutral expression on her face.

"Hey, you made it." He said as soon as he noticed the dark skinned girl, and offered her a welcoming smile.

"Or maybe it's all a load of nonsense, and these two ancient rocks are all there is to it." Shane's grin spread across his face, and everyone exhaled deeply, laughing at his comments. "All good, have fun looking around the display." I'll be available to answer any queries you may have. Thank you very much for attending.

The large group dispersed into smaller groups, which all walked in separate ways throughout the museum, chatting eagerly. Bonnie, on the other hand, moved closer to Professor Shane.

"Way to go, you made it." He said as soon as he saw the female and greeted her with a friendly smile.

"It's a good tale. Keeps the kids away from being bad. Qetsiyah seems like a badass," Bonnie voiced her thoughts.

His smile had faded, and he now had a solemn expression on his face. "There is nothing more badass than Scarlynn or Silas."

The Bennett witch arched her brows, perplexed by his strange actions. "Why?"

"As witches, Silas and Scarlynn were so powerful that two thousand years ago, Qetsiyah considered the siblings to be the two most powerful witches in history." He began to explain, "These abilities were amplified when they became immortal. Their mental talents, according to legend, considerably above those of any other species on the planet, including the Original Vampires."

Bonnie nodded and asked what she was most curious about. "So, if they were genuine and awakened, they would be the most powerful individuals on the planet?"

"There would be Hell on Earth if they were real and awakened." he paused, "They would wreak havoc!"

There was enough trouble going on in Mystic Falls, Bonnie didn't need anymore. If the siblings Shane mentioned were real she would need to find a way to make sure that they had no way to get out of whatever confinment Qetsiyah had put them in. It would only harm her and her 'loved ones', with the Mikaelsons' and Kai already out and causing damage there was no way she would let 2 other Immortals run wild in her town WREAKING HAVOC.

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