Chapter 18

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' "I am aware of all the evidence in this trial and don't want to be involved in this trial more than the evidence given in this trial. I willingly am taking a sleeping potion, so even though I'm present I will not be aware of the events of the trial." ' The memory projection of Harry signing with the translator speaking over him finished, Harry sleeping in a magic proof section of the hall with Draco, James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, and Hermione. He was hugging in close to the silver dragon plush he had been holding loosely in the memory, his face buried in it's middle and his head on Draco's lap.

Lily and James had already taken veritaserum in preparation for their questioning to prove that they weren't lying about their identities or the events with Harry. They had taken it early so that James could say if the sleeping potion Harry was given was one that was safe for him to take as many different inheritances would interfere with potions. It was not normally a necessity in trials for people to take veritaserum, but given the two of them were supposed to be dead they chose to take it as a precaution to make them be believed. The veritaserum Lily and James took was from the Ministry of Magic.

Draco stroked Harry's hair gently as he glared down at Dumbledore who was chained up in the chair in the middle of the room, looking dishevelled, his hair a mess and his beard frizzy and tangled. Draco felt a kind of sick pleasure seeing Dumbledore in such a state, he wasn't even able to keep up his grandfatherly act as he sat there, his eyes wild.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore stands accused of escaping Azkaban, kidnapping 2 underage magical children, faking the deaths of two magical adults, putting Harry Potter in the life or death situation that caused him to be the Boy Who Lived, and manipulating the memories of the two minors." Fitzcransten, the Minister of Magic who replaced Fudge after the first time Dumbledore was put in Azkaban.

"I wasn't supposed to be in Azkaban to begin with, why would you expect me to stay in such a place?" Dumbledore said, his voice sounding more like a groan than anything.

"We had many different sources proving that you used unforgivable curses, Azkaban is exactly where you belong." Fitzcransten said, looking down at him coldly. "You are aware that each new crime it is confirmed you committed simply speeds up the rate of you getting the Dementor's kiss, correct?"

Dumbledore stayed silent, something the entire Wizengamot took as confirmation that he knew and understood.

"Those sources were memories, memories can be altered." Dumbledore said, sounding angry. He had always been the one in power, if only that idiot Hagrid had just done his job properly and the useless Dursleys had made Harry more obedient without the stupid boy going mute none of this would have happened. Dumbledore would still be renowned as the greatest wizard of all times, as he should be.

"So you are, once again, accusing Minerva McGonagall of fabricating evidence against you? How many times will you repeat the same baseless claims?" Fitzcransten said, seeming annoyed. "I don't know if you've somehow forgotten, but your word no longer carries any weight."

"I discovered a witness." Dumbledore said with a sickening smirk that looked like he thought he had won.

"Call in the witness!" Fitzcransten called.

Someone Draco recognised vaguely having seen before walked in, their hair half shaved, split so the half that was short, but not shaved, was pink, and the shaved was purple, but the colours looked very similar under the candlelight. The walked in looking confident, but they got pulled to the side by a ministry official before they could say anything.

After drinking the potion handed to them, the same potion that both Draco and Hemione had taken with no ill effects, they went pale, and needed to hold onto the arm of the person who had administered the potion to stop themself from falling over.

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