Chapter 29

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When Harry returned to his dorm there was a little wooden statue on his bed, clearly made by Akiva. It was a dragon circling a phoenix whose tail was in flames. It was clearly representing Harry and Draco.

Harry put it on his bedside table, not signing anything, but he loved it. The rough shaping making it more beautiful to him.

Harry didn't do favourites, but it was up there.


"Nice to meet you, my name is Nico Michelle and I am an expert on magic." A short, copper haired, grey eyed wix offered a hand to Harry.

They were wearing black robes that shimmered to look like it was covered in green scales when in the light. Their brown hat was short, but pointed and was decorated with gold chains, red flowers, and vines surrounding the rim. Nico's fingers were painted black, with a dark red shimmer. Their bracelets were similar to the decorations on their hat. Nico's boots were made from dragon hide, styled like muggle combat boots.

'I'm H-A-R-R-Y' He signed after shaking their hand, still in the uniform, he and Draco had been pulled out of class to deal with Harry's recent magic issues.

"Draco Malfoy." He nodded, standing very close to Harry, a little guarded.

"I will admit that I don't know too much about Phoenixes from first hand experience, they are a very guarded community, but my ancestor got close to pretty much all magical creatures, including Phoenixes so I know more than most would." Nico explained, pulling a book out of their large, worn bag that had lots of patches on.

The book was clearly old, and had a glow of magic around it that was clearly from a protection spell to keep it preserved. It was leather bound, and a green hue to the leather, and what looked like the shadow of a snake winding over the cover. There was a name imprinted on it, a hint of silver still sticking to the indent, but it could no longer be read from their distance. A few sheets of paper were sticking out of it.

"Who's the ancestor you're talking about?" Draco held Harry's upper arm, leaving his hands free to sign still.

"Salazar Slytherin." Nico smiled, gesturing for them to sit at the chairs that had already been bewitched to be a little more comfortable in this abandoned classroom.

Harry and Draco stared at Nico in shock, mouths agape.

"You're related to Salazar Slytherin?" Draco felt very aware of his green tie.

"Yup!" Nico gestured for them to sit down again. "So, what exactly is happening?"

'I black out and Dragon said my magic stopped doing what I made it before. Doctor said my magic went back inside me.' Harry signed, taking his seat opposite Nico, Draco sitting beside him, still staying close.

"Mme Pomfrey said that his magic was acting like an obscurial, pulling back in to explode later." Draco knew that Harry didn't know how to sign that, so he explained it in his stead.

"I see, do you have any idea what is causing this?" Nico asked their question to Harry alone, almost seeming to ice Draco out as they opened the book to the relevant section.

'I was kidnapped and they used some magic on me that Stag said still has some effects after he reversed it.' Harry looked down as he signed, his hands shaking slightly. It was still scary to think about, more terrifying than the Chamber had been last year.

"James, his dad, is also a phoenix, but he has no connection to the rest of the community after breaking the rules to protect Harry." Draco explained, once again being ignored.

"Okay, you don't have to tell me anything you aren't comfortable with. After a few wars that wixes fought against many magical creatures most groups isolated themselves from us, so this information might be a little out of date." Nico picked up on Harry's discomfort, opening the book to the phoenix section.

Harry nodded.


Nico couldn't find any specifics on Harry's situation, but they were able to give him some exercises that should help maintain his magic. As they were leaving they were leaving they also promised to ask around to see if they could find anything more exact.

They had also asked if the next time they met either Draco wasn't there, or that he not get involved unless absolutely necessary, preferably sitting to the side. They said they were there to talk to Harry, and that they worried Draco was talking for him too much.

'Can you help me with this exercise?' Harry signed to Draco, who was sulking.

"Why? I'm not even supposed to be in the room?" Draco pouted, he wanted to look away from Harry, but that would make Harry unable to communicate.

'Please Dragon.' Harry signed, he was sad that Draco was being so petty about not being able to be in the room. No, he didn't speak over Harry, but he was doing a lot of talking so Nico was reasonable in asking him not to be there.

"Do you not want to be around me?" Draco looked up at Harry with a pout and big eyes.

'Of course I want to be around you. I just understand why N-I-C-O wants it to just be me and them. I need help, please.' Harry signed, Draco wasn't usually like this, and he didn't like it. Just because he wanted to do one thing without him, when it was specifically requested, shouldn't mean he gets this kind of response.

"What do you need me to do?" Draco seemed satisfied with Harry's response, but the look on Harry's face showed he wasn't really.

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