Chapter 30

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"Are you alright, Harry?" Nico tilted their head to the side, their red hair falling in their face. 

Harry was trying to show them how he was practicing the exercises to help him manage his magic, but he was clearly distracted, and wasn't able to do them properly. Harry's face was scrunched up in concentration, but nothing was happening. 

'I'm fine.' Harry signed, leaning back in the chair, letting out the breath he had been holding in. 'It's not working.' 

"What are you thinking about?" Nico lent in slightly, staying sure to keep plenty of distance between them. "I might be able to help." 

'I don't think so.' Harry shook his head. 

He always knew that both he and Draco preferred staying close to each other, but now Draco was seeming excessive. Harry also still preferred spending time together, but there were times that they didn't need to be, and it was annoying that Harry wanting to deal with his magic alone was causing Draco to be so jealous. Draco got plenty of time by himself, why couldn't Harry? 

But Harry didn't know how to put how he felt into words someone else would understand. Besides, it didn't seem like Nico liked Draco anyway, Harry didn't want to make them think worse of him when Draco only wanted to be close to Harry, his boyfriend. But who could Harry talk to about this? 

"You don't have to talk to me about anything, but all of this can help you regulate your magic. Even if you don't care about the connection between magic and emotion, it's useful to get stuff that distracts you off your chest." Nico brought their knees up on the desk they were sitting on. 

'I don't know what to do about Dragon.' Harry signed, looking at his feet to avoid Nico's eyes.  

"The boy who was here with you for the first session?" Nico asked, shifting their feet, seeming like they didn't realise they were.  

Harry nodded before signing again. 'We are together, but I don't know what to do.'  

"Is he doing something that makes you uncomfortable?"  

'It's like he doesn't want me to exist away from him. He has time by himself, but when I said I understand why you don't want him here he got really upset.' Harry signed, shaking slightly.  

"From my understanding when the two of you are apart it's usually you who ends up in danger or hurt, this year especially, right?" Nico wasn't going to say that Draco was right to make Harry uncomfortable, but at the same time it's not like Draco's possessiveness was coming from nowhere. 

'Yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't get to be alone.' Harry signed, pushing his chair away from the desk with his legs, an awful screeching noise filling the room as he did. 

"That's not what I was saying. Maybe you could reassure him that you being on your own doesn't mean that you're vulnerable. In addition to helping you ground your magic, I could try to teach you both muggle and magical ways to defend yourself."  

There is no way to force people to accept change, but showing them that you are able to care for yourself can sometimes convince them. Even if this didn't fix the issue Harry was having with Draco, it was still a good idea. 

'I'd like that.' Harry nodded. 


"Why do your sessions take so long now?" Draco pouted as Harry entered his dorm. 

'Because I'm also learning self defense.' Harry signed. 'I spend most of my time with you so why does it matter?' 

"Because I want to spend time with you, is there a problem with that?" Draco pulled back a bit from Harry, a little hurt and annoyed that Harry seemed to be angry with him. 

'I want to spend time with you too, but you get time alone without me complaining and I don't.' Harry let out a sigh as he signed. 

"And last time you were alone Dumbledore kidnapped you!" Draco spat the old man's name like it was a curse, trying to hide the shaking in his voice. 

'And now I'm learning self defense.' Harry signed, his hands moving wildly. 

"But I should have been there to save you then," Draco's hands were trembling, and if it wasn't effectively silencing Harry, he would have turned to hide his reddening eyes. 

'It wouldn't have changed anything. You aren't stronger than D-U-M-B-L-E-D-O-R-E and right now I think I know more self defense than you.' It may have been true in first year that Draco knew more about the wizarding world and magic than Harry, but Harry had always been a fast learner and had now started official self defense lessons. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Draco crossed his arms across his chest defensively. 

'I'm not a baby, Dragon, you don't need to protect me. I want to be around you, but not all the time.' Harry shook his head. 

"When did I treat you like a baby? I just want to look after you because I love you. Is that wrong of me?" Draco was getting loud, making Harry pull away. 

'I love you too, but I'm allowed to learn about my own magic without you there, and I don't always need to be protected. I want the same freedom you have.' Harry was close to the door, ready to leave if Draco continued being angry. 

"I'm not controlling your freedom! We aren't in the same house any more and I feel like I hardly see you." Draco started shouting, making Harry flinch. 

'Let's talk later.' Harry signed, keeping his head down so his fringe was hiding his eyes, slipping out of Draco's dorm. 

"Wait, Harry!" Draco called after him, but Harry didn't stop. 

Draco flopped face forwards on his bed, his shoulders shaking. 

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