Chapter 33

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"Okay," Nico stopped Harry as he tried to focus on the exercise they had set. "Stop, tell me what's bothering you." 

Harry looked down at his shaking hands, trying to hold back tears. 

'I think Dragon and I broke up yesterday.' Harry signed. 

"Do you want to break up with him?" Nico sat next to Harry where they could see his hands but not his face. 

Harry shook his head, fiddling with his fingers. 

"Did either of you say you were broken up?" Nico pushed a little further. "Or do something unforgivable?"

'We had an argument.' Harry signed, though neither had said anything about breaking up he didn't know what it took. 

"Then if you both take some time to cool off then talk, it doesn't have to be the end of your relationship. These things can happen, especially when you're young and inexperienced. Think about why it happened, but don't worry too much that it happened." Nico reassured, placing a hand on Harry's head. 

'But what if Dragon hates me now?' Harry signed, still  filled with the scars of his life with the Dursleys. 

"I doubt it, and if he does then he was too shallow for you anyway." Nico sighed, not missing being a student themself. 

'But he was avoiding looking at me during meals.' Harry was curled in on himself. 

"He was probably given the same advice I gave you to take time to calm down. Can you have a conversation with him now without crying?" Nico's voice wasn't accusatory, even if the question was a little leading. 

Harry nodded, sniffing loudly even if there were no tears in his eyes. 

"Then take a moment to calm down and go now. The longer you leave this the less secure you will feel. It's not like you can focus until this is sorted anyway." Nico inspected their nails, thrown a little off guard when Harry flung himself at them in a hug. "Okay, you're welcome, now get going." 


Harry stood outside the Slytherin common room, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. 

What if Nico was wrong and Draco never wanted to talk to him again? What if Harry had ruined the first real relationship he ever had? What if-? 

"Harry?" Melissa opened the door, both confused and surprised to see the Hufflepuff standing outside. "What brought you here? Aren't you supposed to be in a class with Michelle now?" 

'They said I was too distracted.' Harry signed, looking around nervously. 'Is Dragon around?' 

Melissa smiled, stepping aside and gesturing over her shoulder. "He's in his room. I have to go, but grab Ven if you want someone to mediate." 

Harry nodded, rushing past her without even signing 'thank you'. Melissa just smiled, shaking her head. 

These two sorting their lovers spat out was more important than a single instance of poor manners. Besides, she had more important things to do right now than watch over them; she had her own date to get to. 

Harry stood outside Draco's door, debating on if he should knock. He could hear a lot of noise coming from inside, and he wasn't sure if Draco was talking to himself or someone else. Either way he probably didn't want to be interrupted. 

Before Harry could make a decision, though, the door swung open, a rather more disheveled than usual Draco being revealed. 

"Harry?" Draco blinked in surprise, running a hand through his already messy hair before his face flushed, rushing to the mirror to try to fix it as best he could. "Ah, uh, come in." 

'I can come back another time. You're busy.' Harry looked embarrassed, stepping away from the doorway. 

"No!" Draco almost fell rushing back tot he door to hold Harry by his shoulders. "Please, come in. I- I need to talk to you." 

Harry didn't know what to say, stepping back into the almost too familiar room as Draco managed to get his hair to lie almost how it usually did. Draco's room was a mess; he had clearly been working on something, but Harry couldn't tell what. 

"Harry," Draco broke the empty space between them, his eyes on Harry's hands. "Before anything I need to say something. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for making it seem like I don't trust you, I'm sorry for yelling at you, and I'm sorry I got mad at you when you were only being honest. 

"It's not an excuse, but I got used to being the one with experience and knowledge. You're not someone who I'm stronger than any more, and I should have realised and accepted that. I'm sorry." Draco was kneeling on the floor in front of Harry, looking up at him. 

'I'm sorry too. I know you weren't trying to control me.' Harry signed, his cheeks warm. 'You don't- You don't want to never talk to me again, right?' 

"Of course not!" Draco clamped a hand over his mouth when he realised the volume he had used. "I'm sorry." 

'So we're still together?' Harry signed, looking at Draco nervously. 

"I want to be, do you?" Draco was equally nervous, Harry nodding which made a bright smile break across Draco's face. 

Harry fell forwards onto Draco, both wrapping their arms around the other. 

It had only been a little over a day, but for the two boys who hadn't truly had friends prior to the other it felt like a year. 

"Harry," Draco pulled back from the hug slightly, hands still around Harry's waist. "I actually have something to tell you. 

"So I was thinking about the fact that I want to be able to make sure that you're safe and you obviously want space because I have been smothering you. Honestly, the main thing I'm good at is potions, and the amount that a potion can do for this is limited, but I came up with something." Draco put Harry back on his bed, going over to his messy desk, looking through the different sheets of parchment on it. 

Harry didn't know what Draco was doing, but he kept listening and watching. He knew Draco loved potions, and Harry liked defense against the dark arts. 

"I can't make this myself, because I can't do the spells or make the pendants, but I've developed this potion where when you take it you go into stasis and the other pendants alert that you've taken it. I looked into spells that may help and it's very similar to the ones that Melissa and Ven gave us, but I found another spell that I thinks means that only the owner can touch it, which would prevent it getting lost. You can get one, I can get one, and I think mum, dad, Sirius, Remus, Lily, and James should also get some, but without the potion. If you want we could also give them to Melissa and Ven again, but I think our parents are the first choices." Draco was facing Harry, flicking between a couple different pieces of parchment. 

'Stasis? What if I'm prevented from taking the potion though?' Harry looked at the messily scribbled drawings Draco couldn't hold still. 

"Basically when you drink the potion you stop being affected by time. Nothing anyone can do will harm you until you leave stasis, which will happen automatically if another pendant comes close that is still actively giving off the signal that the other is in trouble. You can turn that off if you're also in danger. If you can't take the potion then just empty it out and while the potion can't protect you it will still alert the others." Draco pointed at the almost impossible to read notes on the parchment. "I was thinking of buying the pendants and getting our parents to help with the spells." 

Harry nodded along, it definitely sounded like a good idea. He wanted to have time when he was his own company, but he didn't like being isolated. Too much had happened. This seemed more like an upgraded version of the pendant he had lost from Melissa and Ven, but without the talking part. 

'That sounds good.' Harry nodded. 'Is Stag going to help you with the potion?' 

Draco looked a little upset about the suggestion, but he agreed anyway. James had a lot more experimental knowledge about potions than Draco, and if he was going to make something that he came up with for Harry to take he wanted to be sure it was safe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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