Chapter 23

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((A/N: This chapter idea was given to me by StephanieCruzado9 much for the idea. I hope you all enjoy how I write this. Feel free to ask me any questions or give any suggestions. I won't use them all as they won't all work with this story, but I still like getting them.))

"Hey Harry, how are you doing in Hufflepuff?" Draco asked, the two in Draco's room in Slytherin, it had been a week since Harry had joined.

'It's alright. They give me space that I appreciate but they're also always talking to each other. Sometimes it makes me feel left out.' Harry signed, looking down at his hands. Before Dumbledore had kidnapped him he had promised to let Pansy paint his nails, but it still hadn't happened, he can't communicate without his hands after all.

"If you want to talk to them more you could try talking to some one on one. If it's just you and someone else in the room together then start signing to them. If they're not looking at you knock on your bedframe or something. And if you want I can stick around to try to help conversation." Draco suggested, looking up at the clock.

'No, thank you but I want to try myself.' Harry signed, after knocking on Draco's wooden bedframe to get Draco to look at him.

"Okay, well the offer is on the table. And knocking like that is definitely enough to get someone's attention. Anyway, I have a date planned for us, wanna go?" Draco asked, it wasn't like he disliked talking about Harry's life in Hufflepuff, he loved anything about Harry, but if he wanted the date to be how he planned it then it needed to be soon.

'What's the plan?' Harry asked, looking at Draco with his head tilted to the side slightly.

"Oh no no no, it's a surprise. It'll be nice, though, I promise." Draco said, glaring at Predawn who knew his plan. He had no idea what Predawn would say, but he hoped Predawn knew it was a good surprise.

'Okay then. Thank you for planning one.' Harry signed, looking a little nervous, putting Predawn on his shoulders before taking Draco's hand.

"Is it okay if I cover your eyes for the sake of the surprise?" Draco asked, holding Harry's hands as they stood by Draco's door.

Harry looked down at his and Draco's hands before responding, nodding slightly cautiously. He trusted Draco, though going through Hogwarts blind still didn't seem like a fun idea.

"Thank you. You'll enjoy it, I promise." Draco said, pulling Harry closer and covering Harry's eyes with his hands, though Predawn could obviously still see, and would probably tell Harry if there was something in front of him. "Predawn, no ruining the surprise."

Predawn hissed at Draco in response, not that Draco could understand what they were saying. Predawn definitely liked Harry though, and wouldn't do something that would ruin something good for him.

They went slowly through the halls, through the Entrance Hall and into the grounds. The air still had a brisk note to it even as the air was warming up. It was when they were close to the lake that Draco removed his hands from Harry's eyes.

It took Harry a moment for him to adjust to the new brightness, but when he could see again it was beautiful. His vision was still brighter than usual, but that honestly added to the beauty.

Draco had set up a red and white chequered picnic blanket, a basket in the middle filled with food and drinks. Most of them looked like they belonged to an expensive, high class restaurant, though there were a few that didn't look quite as fancy. There were also a few glass bottles of drinks next to the food basket. On the carpet there were also flowers, pillows, and stuffed toys. Not the ones Harry already had, these ones were more general, just cute stuffed toys. A lot of rainbows.

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