Chapter 12

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Draco entered Hogwarts with Pansy and Blaise who were still worried about him, to see Khadija standing in the middle of the entrance hall, not seeming to notice the people pushing past her even though there was plenty of space to not push her, looking shell shocked. She looked hurt as well as shocked, as though she hadn't yet processed whatever happened, so hadn't started crying.

"Khadija? What's wrong?" Pansy asked, leaving Draco's side and rushing over to Khadija, seeming to snap her out of it.

"Hermione... And Harry..." Khadija said, her voice trembling slightly, Pansy pulling away slightly, surprised.

"Did you say Harry?" Draco asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I think the Weasleys did something to him, he didn't recognise me, neither did Hermione, but he talked to me." Khadija said, trying to even out her breathing.

"Did he look okay? He's not hurt, right?" Draco asked, if Harry didn't remember their everything that was something else, but he hoped against hope that he was okay in every other aspect.

"I don't know, my priority was Hermione!" Khadija snapped at Draco. "It was odd though, it took me a moment to recognise him."

"Harry has a pretty iconic look." Blaise said, as they headed into the Great Hall.

"No, that's not what I mean, like it took me way too long to recognise that he was Harry and not... I don't know, some kind of hero. I know he's been missing since the start of Summer, but it took me too long to actually register it." Khadija said, looking down.

"It would probably be more odd if they didn't put any kind of magic on him to stop everyone from telling him the truth." Pansy said with a small nod and frown.

Khadija waved goodbye to go to her own table and Draco watched Harry, noticing how little he was eating compared to previous years, he also looked more tired and pale than normal either. Harry clearly wasn't as healthy as he knew he should have been, meaning that they hadn't been treating Harry well. Thankfully he didn't look as bad as he did when they first met, then again he had two years of healing and only a summer's worth of abuse possible for him to have gone through.

Draco paid no attention to anything but Harry throughout the whole meal, honestly he guess that the only reason there was any food on his plate was because of Pansy filling them, but he couldn't have told you what he ate. He could tell you that he was angry at the youngest Weasley for clinging onto Harry until she looked at Hermione annoyed, Draco couldn't see Hermione's face, but he had to assume that she was still a good friend to Harry even with whatever had happened to them.

It wasn't just jealousy over his boyfriend that made Draco annoyed, he assumed it was safe to say that their relationship was paused due to the special circumstances, but that Harry looked uncomfortable. Of course that didn't mean Draco wasn't a little jealous.

As soon as the meal was over Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny left the room, and Pansy grabbed Draco by the shoulder before he could rush out after them.

"Draco, I know you're worried about Harry, but you need to be careful." Pansy said firmly, Draco not catching her eyes. "Draco, tell me you won't be reckless."

"That's Harry, it's not just someone we vaguely know, it's Harry." Draco said angrily, not yet trying to take his arm yet.

"Draco, I know, but he doesn't, and he might get scared by whatever you're planning to do." Pansy said, trying to calm him down.

Draco didn't respond, but he and Pansy glared at each other in some kind of staring competition, before Draco snatched his shoulder back and rushed towards to double doors, drawing a few gazes from the people who were surprised to see a pure blood of the kind that would never show such an unprofessional experience in front of others, but Draco honestly couldn't care less.

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