Chapter 9: Break-In Battle

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Matt and Carly stayed in Carly's room until 11:50. To neither of their surprise, Silver and Ash never came back to their room. "Let's go now. We can get there early." Carly said. Matt nodded in agreement. They left the room and navigated the halls all the way to Principle Oaks office. It was eerily quiet, with everyone asleep. Carly watched the minutes tick by on a nearby wall clock. 'It's time.' Carly thought as the clocked turned to midnight. Just as she had thought, she heard footsteps approaching. "Come on!" she whispered, pulling her brother behind a corner a few doors away.

The steps came closer, stopping in front of the office door. The siblings took a chance and peeked from their hiding place. There stood Red and Silver.

"You ready?" Red asked. "You know it." Silver replied. Just then, Matt felt a strange tickle in his nose. He tried to hold it back, but it came out. "Ah-ah-achoo!"

Carly froze, then slowly turned to see her brother's guilty face. She felt like slapping him. "Looks like we have some visitors. And not the ones we expected." Silver said, as he and Red turned to Matt and Carly as they came out of their hiding place. "You can't go in there!" Carly exclaimed.

"Oh? And who's going to stop us?" Silver asked haughtily. "We are!" Matt said, having gathered his wits. "Go obstagoon!" Matt shouted, releasing the blocking pokemon. "Go cursola!" Carly exclaimed, throwing a pokeball revealing the coral pokemon.

Silver smirked. "Come on out!" Silver said, throwing a pokeball. Ursaring appeared, giving a mighty roar. Red threw a pokeball, revealing machamp.

"Bring it on!"


Ash watched as Red released his pokemon. 'His weakest. He doesn't even deem them a challenge.' Ash thought. 'Though the fact he's doing something and not just leaving it to Silv is something..'

Ash had come a bit earlier to stop Red and Silver, but after taking his place, he had heard footsteps. He discovered it was Matt and Carly and not Red and Silver. He'd disguised himself with invisibility and watched the scene unfold before him. Sure enough, Red and Silver arrived. Soon came their confrontation, which Ash was currently watching.

*If they fight in here, they'll destroy the place!* Pikachu said through aura. *Can you teleport them somewhere else?* Mew asked. *No. They'll notice and become suspicious.* Ash replied. *What about another dimension that looks exactly the same? Ohh, or maybe a place where everything is an illusion! Oh! What about a dimension where nothing can break, or-* Mew was cut off as Pikachu hit her on the head. *Ow! What was that for?!* *Because that's ridiculous! None of those would work!* Pikachu exclaimed exasperatedly. *Alright mister smarty pants, you must full of great ideas!* Mew replied, huffing. *First of all, I don't wear pants-* *It's an expression!* *-and second of all, I'll have you know I..*

Ash tuned out his bickering partners as he thought of something to keep them from causing damage to the school. He concentrated his mind and an invisible sound barrier formed around the battling pokemon and their trainers. Now, no one would hear them battling, and no damage would be inflicted on the school.


"Use pin missile!" Obstagoon launched the missiles at the two opposing pokemon landing a direct hit, creating smoke. When it clearing, it revealed a perfectly fine ursaring and machamp. "Now use payback!" Silver said. Ursaring rushed forward and hit obstagoon with a close range payback, inflicting heavy damage. "Cursola, power gem!" Carly said, trying to help obstagoon out. Cursola shot the beam at ursaring. "Dynamic punch." Red said. Machamp went forward into the path of the power gem and used dynamic punch. It punch the beam and destroyed that. It kept going, hitting cursola and throwing it back. "Cursola!" "Obstagoon use double edge and headbutt!" Matt exclaimed. Obstagoon rushed at machamp and positioned it's head to attack. "Catch it."

Machamp used two hands to catch obstagoon's head. "Use low kick." Red ordered. Machamp used low kick, bringing obstagoon to it's knees. "Now revenge." Machamp used revenge, swiping at obstagoon and inflicting heavy damage.

"Cursola, use ancient power!" Carly commanded. Cursola sent the balls of light at machamp. "Ursaring, thrash!" Silver said. Ursaring countered the ancient power with thrash, making it explode. "Use night shade!" Cursola used night shade, aiming for machamp. It hit it's target and machamp was pushed back.

"Dual chop." Machamp bounced back and hit cursola with dual chop, throwing it backwards. "Use fury swipes!" Silver commanded. Ursaring swiped at cursola. "Now finish it with hammer arm!"

"No! Obstagoon use take down!" Matt said. Obstagoon got up and ran at ursaring using take down. Ursaring tried to block it, but both of them slammed into the wall. "Use seismic toss." Red commanded. Machamp used the distraction to grab cursola and slam it down.

"Now hammer arm!" Ursaring pushed obstagoon back before hitting it with hammer arm, sending it flying into the opposite wall and causing a small explosion. When the smoke cleared, obstagoon was almost fainted. Cursola weakly got back up.

"Quit it."

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