The shadows of the Spruces

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Shame. The shame I felt when I was against that guy I was too weak to protect the Angel lady who cared for me and saved me from that Demon bat. I felt so weak and all I could feel is my heavy breathing and my heavy chest. Sweat filled my face and ran through my spine. There was nothing I could have done I thought. I couldn't save her if I tried. I was weak and couldn't save her. I was just human.

Maybe one day I'll be able to save her. I hope to. I owned her my life! Elizbeth. That was her name I remembered, As I started to wake up. My eyes were slowly opening. I felt myself again. I feel bad, Ashamed. Even though I knew myself I couldn't save her. I wanted to, I felt a connection to her. A strong one. I woke up with the feeling of sweat covering my face and spine.

I observe my surroundings to check where we were. I was laying back on a shadow black tree, The one from earlier. The glowly Rifts shine as bright as they have always been. Elizbeth was nowhere to be seen. I tilt my head down. "Where's Elizabeth?" I slowly start to question myself I do not remember much but what I do remember is what Stefan did and said to Dannielynn. I mean Elizabeth. Man, I miss seeing Dannielynn. I think to myself starting to get off-topic. She was an old friend of mine. She was cute and always stood up to me. Long hair cute silver eyes and a quirky sense of humor and personality.

But she wasn't important right now. I needed to think about what to do now. And where could Elizbeth be? The light in the room dims brighter. Making the Rifts a dark dimmer shine of gray. The Rifts, Maybe she went in one of them. But why would she leave me alone here? Not taking me? I had so many questions. I felt alone again like I always do back at home, Home. Perhaps I- No I can't. I stand up with my two feet. Worry starts to fill my blood. I feel alone. I try to calm myself down and take deep breathes. But before I am able to, Elizabeth returns. She glows like an Angel. The room dims down into the Darkness! She seemed confident and her face emotionless. I say something with my lips but before I am even able to, She interrupts.

"Leo! Um... Glad to see you awake buddy!" She smiles staring at me. "Come on follow me. It's dangerous to be alone. Also sorry I left you. I had to go and do some stuff and I didn't want to carry you and my arms. You're a heavy child but at least I am getting stronger!"

She chuckles. But not for long because that chuckle slowly turns back into a Serious face filled with determination. She looked feared. She looked afraid. Afraid yet so brave. I nod and walk towards her. I turn my head and look back one last time at the other Multicolored Rifts. They shined like stars and floated above like shiny Crystals. I hold Elizbeth's hand as we enter a Rift.

We leave the Spruces of the Past, Present, and Future and enter back to the real world. The Giant Mushroom tree surrounds us and covers us with its looming shade. Leaves start to fall down from it. Slowly falling on the rock-hard ground. Elizbeth sighs letting go of my hand and looking up at the Moonlight. It is shining so bright and beautiful. I look up to and observe. The Starry Night.

"Hey, Leo." Elizbeth Communicated, Still observing the stars.

"Yeah what's up?" I reply with a bit of confusion and worry.

"We are gonna meet one of my friends. His name is Ike short for Issac. He's quite nice and all but try not to get at his bad side. I know he's been working on some sort of Rift Transporation System. He's always curious and pondering about Rifts. Well not always since he's a Prince and has his own duties. Anyways like I was saying he's not too far. But he said to meet me in a Dimension filled with sand and mountains. A ravine I think." Elizabeth explains. Her face is serious and calming.

I nod in understatement. She glances at me with a soft worried smile. She puts a hand on my hair. Gently touching and petting it. She sighs.

"Okay come on. Hop on my back, you heavy child!" Elizbeth Snickered

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