Flowers that bleed

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  At that moment I grabbed Elizabeth and Dashed away! My heart was beating pretty fast. I somehow pass through all the guards by kicking them in their groins. I dash and hold Elizabeth's hand tight. Carrying her heavy body on my back and running on top speed. Dashing out speeding downhill. I did it I got away from The Madam and the cave I am free I think to myself But Suddenly as I was dashing downhill I accidentally tripped! A large weird thick flower was in the way and I fell and flew downhill which if you think about it is a good thing cause I was moving faster and ahead of the army of guards chasing me and throwing spears at me. Now you may be saying that doesn't make sense Leo. Well, first of all, it does and second of all, I guess this wasn't any ordinary flower it was purple and thick and looked more like a trunk of a chopped tree or something.

I hold on to Elizabeth as we roll downhill together. My face gets covered in grass and sweat. I smell like a cow on a hot day now. If that isn't badass to you then you can leave! Cause it's cool I was brave for once in my life. I was rolling downhill till I hit a rock. It ached my back but I didn't care I needed to get out of here. The Knights yell as they start shooting purple arrows. I dodge one and stood up quickly and kept running till these boulders fell and starting chasing the guards. I looked back to see where they were coming from and it looks like the stone balls were coming from the mouth of the cave, Madam Melanie was in.

Eventually, after dodging the huge rocks and seeing some people get crushed, I made it downhill and it wasn't till I was down in the flat grassland that I noticed the boozes I had on my legs but that didn't matter in fact nothing did because I was in this weird mental state that I couldn't describe at all but just know that all that matters at that moment was going back to Ike and taking Elizabeth somewhere safe. Kind of like I was a robot and my main mission was to save the Princess!

I sat down for a moment breathing heavily. I could hear my heart beating out of my chest. A rush of adrenaline courses through my veins. I can't stop, Not now! I tell myself as I hear the voices of the Knights getting closer. I run through dark woods and past the dragon fruit trees and ran across the pine trees. It happens so fast I couldn't feel anything just the feeling of weakness and adrenaline coursing through my veins but I had to keep going. Dizzyness starts to affect my vision but I didn't care.

I finally make it to the tall thick trees of the forest I was waiting in earlier, I could see Ike from the distance, Still sharping that sword of his. I yelled for his help. I couldn't stop my heavy breathing and cold sweat.

"Leo? I don't know what you guys did but it better not be what I thinking! Actually, I don't know you so you probably did do that! You are sweaty and tired out and she's knocked out! You prev! I will eliminate you for your sins!" Ike stares at me with madness and swings his sword. He approaches me with anger.

"No, you got it all wrong wait what are you even talking about? Wait there's no time! Ike, we need to run!" I am barely able to gasp out.

"You think I should listen to anything you say you pervert! Your just like him, Like Paxon!" Ike suddenly turns around. His eyes widened as he stares at the Knights throwing spears and holding rusty swords. "I believe this is a misunderstanding! Go I'll handle these bucket heads."

Ike swings his sword and grabs arrows from his pocket and yells as he charges towards them. I was grateful that he did that to help us escape alive or at least in one piece but I had to keep running for my life since the guards started throwing spears at us since they were closer than ever. I ran for what seemed for hours till I finally settled to rest near a tree. Where I couldn't hear the yells and shouts of the warzone going on. I took off Elizabeth from my shoulders and place her down. I was sweatily beaten up by the rocks and sticks that hurt me as I ran through so many biomes and on top of that I still felt kind of hungry.

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