The Cloudy City Above The Sky

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his Kingdom is amazing. Beautiful these past few days felt like a century probably because time moves slowly here still I love it! Elizabeth showed me all around except for some parts for some reason. I visited the fountain of youth, the first man statue, and the Gusty Gardens of Heaven and even explored her Peaceful Palace which she says was made by the first-ever angel when this dimension was created. She told a bunch of other things like how time here is 90 hours a day and one hour of the night, but that isn't internally accurate since time works very different for us humans.

I really started to like dragon fruit too. I never actually had dragon fruit before but it was very flavorful you may say. That just been my diet for these past weeks. Just some Dragon fruits and maybe now and then a Delicious juicy apple from the garden. Besides that yeah I was living the life in my little white blue striped knight house Elizbeth created for me in this huge kingdom.

Oh and if you're wondering how Elizabeth actually created my clear white brick house with an inside pool. I don't know she just one day told me and I was like yes I don't have to sleep on her couch anymore! A wonderful lady that girl is. I actually don't know how old she is if angels even age? Besides that everything has been good I am starting to feel comfortable here in the Cloud Kingdom. Speaking of which none of the Angels around here really talk to me well there Is this one who's named Jayden, she's the librarian here, and the library in heaven is huge! Dozens of books I read sometimes I even fall asleep in the library. She's a nice young Angel who's a librarian I'm not sure why you would like to do that for an afterlife but I don't judge.

There are also three more Angels I briefly talked to. In this huge Kingdom, there's a part where it's all human base. It looks like a mix of New Fork City, a mountainous place, and the suburbs. They call it the Human side of heaven where most humans live. It's a strange place since it's just like the real world but peaceful and people have wings and halos.

I met a businessman who's an inspiring pilot his name is Aiden cougher he always likes to talk to me and to be honest he's quite annoying. Heaven isn't all sunshine and rainbows because they have Pegasus! They are white flying horses they use to travel across sides. They are 4 sides of heaven the main one in front of it the main place where they are just houses and the Peaceful Palace where the Princess lives.

The second is the human side where humans live above the clouds and basically live normal lives but with slight differences, I just explained it. The third side is the high sky side where angels who are created from heaven live. Archangels, cherubs and Guaridan angels live. Elizabeth told me not to explore that area which is quite odd.

Finally, there's the last side which is the gateway. Near the back of the kingdom, there's a golden gate where you enter to live your dreams and fantasies. Apparently, you could only enter that place if you're a good human being. Elizabeth also told me religion has nothing to do with this she says whatever you believe in will come true once you die unless you're a bad person. I told her okay and walked off.

That's basically The cloud Kingdom for you. Oh, wait I just remember one more thing that happened this last week? Last few days? So I was exploring the place and oh my gosh there is so much stuff! There's a garden filled with different types of fruits behind Elizabeth's Palace. Inside her Palace, there are so many rooms and hallways. Her Palace is actually in front of the Kingdom and behind her, Garden is the rest of the Kingdom. The City land, up above the gates of true heaven, I wish I could enter there but I am not dead yet!

Wait now I just forgot what I was gonna say but I guess I should leave it off here. Leo Oakheart signing off! Leo smiles, He's proud of himself for writing down everything that has happen the past few days? Weeks? Seriously how does time work here somebody explain it! The next day comes and Leo and Elizabeth our out at a walk.

"Wait so there are no rules here," I asked Elizabeth.

"Other than sins and being a rebel no," Elizabeth responded.

"So this is basically heaven then?" I asked

"Yeah, it is Leo didn't I already tell you that. But You see Leo this place is not all sunshine and rainbows there have been tragic things that had occurred here. Many wars in past but that's least of our problems, I am telling you this cause I think you Leo may be able to help us with that problem here in the Cloud Kingdom." Elizabeth explains viewing the stars above.

"But how? " I asked. "How can I possibly help you with a weird fantasy problem when I'm just a human child!?"

"Don't worry, You'll understand later on what I mean. *Sigh* It's getting late I should go to bed now definitely after remembering about Stefan again I just still can't forget about what he did to you, Leo! And I just stood there so weak!" Elizbeth beats herself up.

"Hey don't beat yourself up on that it's fine. Well I'm fine now, I might have gone into a mini coma but it's fine I'm safe your safe we're good," I told her confidently with a sweet smile.

"But it isn't." She suddenly stated in a sad tone.

"Elizabeth? Are you-"

"I'm fine I just need to be alone for a bit alright Leo. I'll be in my room." She sadly expressed. As she just left. Flying towards the Peaceful Palace.

"But we were walking and talking Elizabeth!" I shouted.

Jeez, sometimes that Lizzy just leaves as her life depends on it. I thought at that moment.

After I thought about it more Elizabeth actually seemed sadder than usual. Even though I only knew her for a few weeks. I was confident. That I had to cheer her up. Cause she is a hot queen and might as well make myself worth something so she might even consider being with me. So as the pink peaceful sky twisted into a dark empty sky of wonders. I worked on something to cheer up Elizabeth. I thought and thought what would make her happy?

I thought until I realized. She's been through a lot. Just for me to stay here and live. Still, I or Ike must talk to her about what's wrong with her. Maybe she did something bad in her past or... Stefan did something to her. Yawn I didn't have time to talk about this I was too tired so suddenly I closed my eyes gently and quietly went to sleep in my white fluffy bed.

I woke up to see that my hands and feet were sweaty for some reason. Oh yeah, I had a nightmare that day, For some reason, I forgot for a second. I got up with the same clothes that I wore for like a week now and walked to the palace where Elizabeth lives, works, and sleeps.

I walked up the white chill stairs and knocked on Elizabeth's Royal room.

"Hey, Elizabeth you awake."

She opens and softly shouts out in surprise." LEO? "What are you doing here it's still morning it's 17:00 Am, shouldn't you be doing something like I just woke up no offense."

"Yeah but um. I have a question for you." I strutted nervously.

Can't this wait till I get changed?" She replied with. She was still in her PJs.

"I-i... This is important Elizabeth... it's about you!"

She opened the door wide and sighed. I entered in. She closes the door behind us.

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