The Castle the Kingdom and the Natural Enemies

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We get dragged through the Rift. A blast of green light flashes and suddenly we are falling down. Paxon falls down straight to the ground. Luckily we get caught by some sticky weird wet vines. Around us is a huge rainforest with huge leaves and a purple sky above us. Ike and I gasp and breathe heavily. Shocked to our skull of what just happened. My face drips some sweat. I could have been dead but these vines got us just in time to grab us and save us.

"Ike, how did this happen?" I asked worriedly.

"Obviously someone messed up the plan. Now we are hanging towards our death! Are you happy Leo? Happy with the solution we are in? Huh? Talk to me cause there literally is nothing else to do! These vines are gonna slowly let us go and we are gonna fall and die like Paxon just did over there. Look at that idiot I can't even believe I asked for your help!"Ike yells at me. His arms and body captured and stuck by the slimy green tight vines.

"You know what since you are yelling at me! I am gonna yell at you! Screw you Ike if anything this is your fault! You dragged me into this for no reason and now we are stuck! Not my fault you couldn't deal with Paxon or is it?" I shout back at Ike furious at him blaming his actions on me.

"Leo *burp* Shut up! Who the fuck cares about you little shit! Fuck you! I blame you for everything! Anything you wanna say before we die!?" Ike hisses.

"Ah yes wow um, There's actually a lot. So first of all, please whoever's up there our lord and savior! Save us from this eternal doom!" I beg, cross my arms, and close my eyes.

"Wait, a second Leo!"

"I did many mistakes in my life but none is the most tragic than when I-"

Then he slapped me.

"Ow! Why did you slap me, Ike?" I groan rubbing my cheek.

"Isn't it obvious enough for you Leo? You are an idiot! Your hands are free dumbass! Just get the Rift device I gave you and Rift us out of here. Paxon can live the rest of his life here no problem. He's already a wild animal so I'll give him that!" Ike points out.

"Oh yeah let me just." I look for the device and realize I dropped it.

Ike looks below when I do.

"You dropped it didn't you?"

"Yes, I dropped it my bad heh heh?"

"Look I won't be mad at you because there's no point in arguing when we are about to fall to our deaths. Possibly crack our skulls in the process but who cares we will be dead. As one of my last memories, I would like to tell you the tragic tale of our people. The reason I'm so toxic sometimes. Would you like to hear it?" Ike sighs his expression changes to a sad one.

"Um I mean do I have a choice?" I question with a confused expression.

"Nope! So it all started when-"

Once upon a time. In a dimension far far away. There was a boy with two lovely royal parents. Both respectfully named Juliet and Nicolas. They were the King and Queen of the Kingstone Kingdom their grandparents built the small dark castle. Juliet and Nicolas decided to make a new castle and Kingdom bigger than what Juilet's parents built. So they worked on that for years. A whole new modern castle for their upcoming child to grow up in.

It took many years but in the end, the King and Queen succeeded and rebuilt their Kingdom all by themselves. Their child came into this world a few months later. It was a young beautiful baby boy. They decided to name him Issac! Ike was a cute little nickname they also like to call him. Ike was a curious little adventurous child. Always up with mischief. Playful adventures and wanting to join the royal guard himself.

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