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⌜ chapter seventeen ⌟

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Letty's at work and they all hear a loud bang outside. "What was that?" The brunette asks as she looks over at the new guy that Mr. Matthews hired after Eric quit to be a model.

"I don't know." He shakes his head, and they walk outside.

The two employees make it out there and see a huge fire coming out of the mailbox. Her eyes widen and then she sees Shawn running in the opposite direction. She puts her hand over her mouth as some people call 9-1-1, and a guy comes running out of a store with a fire extinguisher.

After work, Letty goes straight to the Hunters trailer, but his parents tell her that he hasn't come home. She knows that he must be over at Cory's house, but she has to go back to her own trailer, so she can't check in on him yet.

Letty and Miller talk to Mrs. Hunter the next day, and she tells them that Shawn didn't make it home last night. He slept over at Cory's — Mrs. Matthews called her last night to let her know after she got home. After school, Letty plans on going straight over there to talk to him and try to convince him to head back to the trailer park.

School finally ends — after what felt like an eternity and a half — and the teenage girl rushes over to the Matthews' house, immediately gaining Eric's attention. "What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, we're still not talking. I know — I'm not here for you." She tells him and then goes up the stairs to his and his brother's bedroom.

"Scarlett!" Cory says with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah, hi, Cor." She walks over to his bed and lifts up the blanket so that she can see underneath.

"Hey, how's it going?" Shawn waves as he looks up at her.

"Out." She orders, and he crawls out from under Cory's bed and sits on the foot of it.

"I'm not going home." He tells her as he brushes his hair out of his face, and she sits down next to him.

"Why did you come here? Why didn't you come to me?" She asks him.

"Because I know that you'd tell my mom. I see how close you are with her. She's like a mom to you." He says, and she sighs.

"She's really worried about you, you know? Shawn, she and your dad both are." Letty tells him, and he looks down. "I talked to them this morning."

"How mad are they?" He asks.

"You did a stupid thing, and yes, they're upset. But Shawn, they're worried about the fact that you haven't come home." She says. "You're their son, and they love you and they're worried about you."

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