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Letty walks in the back door of the Matthews' house, and Mrs. Matthews tells her that Eric's on the phone in the living room. So the brunette heads in that direction and then takes the device from him before holding it to her ear.

"Bye, Heather. I'm taking my best friend back for awhile." She says and then hangs up on her.

"Do you have any idea how mad at me she's gonna be now?" He sighs as Letty sets the phone down on the coffee table.

"Do you have any idea how much I really don't care?" She asks sarcastically. The brown-eyed girl then sits on the couch next to him and groans in pain.

"Your side still hurts​ from when you slipped in the backyard?" He questions, not believing her story for a second.

"A little bit, but it'll be fine." The brunette tells him, and he goes to the kitchen to get her some ice to put on it. Her side's pretty bruised up and incredibly sore.

"You know, I don't even remember you falling out there." He says when he walks back into the living room, ice pack in hand. "You were by the hose the whole time."

"It was after." She lies.

"Well, why didn't you say anything when it happened?" He questions. "We could've given you some ice then. Maybe it wouldn't hurt as bad now."

"It wasn't this bad then. It's mostly just sore, but it'll be gone soon."

"Yeah." He shakes his head and sits back down where he was before.

Letty spends the rest of the day at his house, hanging out with him and Morgan — a part of her day that she actually really enjoys, and then she heads home before it can get too late. The brunette walks into the trailer and the first thing she sees is her dad face down on the couch.

"That's a good look for you." She mutters as she shuts the door behind her before hanging up her sweater. "How long's he been out?"

"Well, I'm on accidental death scenario five." Miller tells her as he glares at the older man, and she walks over to see if they have anything in the fridge that she can make for the two of them.

They don't.

"When you reach the strategically placed banana peel, you've spent too much time on it." Letty sighs as she shuts the refrigerator. "Do we still have tuna cans?"

"Cupboard above the microwave." He says as he gets to his feet. "You know, we can put a pillow to his head, use one of his own guns, and then duck out for an hour. Call 9-1-1, tell 'em that we haven't been home all day and have no idea who killed him...but he won't be greatly missed. No one around here will tell a different story."

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