John lennon

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"I don't want your pity, Y/N," John spat, voice cracking as he tried to break from your grip. His honey, once sweet and happy eyes now filled with tears that were almost about to spill. You were clutching his arm as you looked at him with caring eyes, wanting to comfort him in his time of melancholy. His hands were latched onto your forearm, threatening to turn around, but the look in your eyes made him question himself. Would she laugh at me? Will she leave like everyone else? He wondered as you both shared a look of compassion.
"I'm not trying to give you pity, John," you voice wavered as you rubbed his arm up and down, for you barely saw the face behind the scared little boy who's mother had just died. You and John were the only one's left in the funeral home, everyone had left. It was eerily quiet as you both stood, close to one another and your rushed breaths mixing. You cared for John deeply and just wanted to help him, get him through his times of trouble. He'd been there for you so you could only return the favor. Even if john was being an ass, you and John both knew it was just a phase.
John had only received a pat on the back and some awkward hugs from strangers he barely knew. The only person who seemed to show any sympathy was his friend, Paul, but he quickly left, seeing John was starting to grow irritable. Irritability was just the first stage of grief for John, next isolation, which he was trying to pull now.
"Just," he chocked, "Just leave me alone, Y/N." He wiped his eyes furiously, turning his gaze away from you, but still holding your hand. "I'm weak and I don't want you seeing me this way. Mimi was right, I just should have stayed home," he tried to continued, but failed, collapsing and almost falling on the hard wood flooring.
"No, John. You are not weak, everyone has their times of weakness, alright sweetheart? Please John, don't blame this on yourself," you cooed, sliding down with him. The sight before you made you almost break into tears. The mask was falling down and you were there to wittiness it.
No one but you.
You engulfed him into an embrace as you both sat on the floor, in each other's arms. John nuzzled his head into your neck, wetness starting to be felt on your skin as you held onto him, rocking him back and forth.
John mumbled incoherent things into your skin as his frail body shook, raking with cries of utter sadness. You didn't feel any worse than you did now, trying to put yourself in his shoes. A dead mother who you were just getting to know and a father who left you before you could even register why.
You shook your head, kissing his temple and brushing his hair with your fingers, trying to get him to calm himself. "Shh, honey, it'll be alright. Just let it out. I'll always be here for you. Don't you ever forget that," you tried, your comforting words striking a nerve in John's heart, making him feel all warm and fuzzy inside despite feeling like shit.
He looked up at you, the tears making his eyelashes wet and longer than usual. Wet streaks on he is pink cheeks, turning him into a little boy who had just been told that he couldn't get the toy that he wanted. You stroked his damp cheek on instinct, smiling a bit through your tears. John sniffled and closed his eyes.
"Do you think she'll come back? Or am I just dreaming? Is this all a dream, Y/N? If so, can you wake me up because I feel horrible, love. I want to get out," he said with eyes closed and his voice rising towards the end. His voice got quieter as he went on. He opened his eyes and looked at you. "Will you escape with me? Come with me, darling," he said, tears spilling once again as if he knew the answer to the previous question.
You gulped, big fat tears sliding down your cheeks, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but this is not a dream. I'm afraid this is real life, Johnny. I'm so sorry," you say kissing his cheek lightly. John leaned in to your touch, tucking his head back into your neck. He sniffled and rubbed your back. Why was he comforting you? You thought, you should be the one comforting him.
You both stayed quiet for a little while, a comfortable but odd silence and sniffles filling the air. John kept rubbing your back and you kept petting his hair, kissing his head occasionally. John pulled his head up again and kissed your cheek.
"Just a little thank you, Y/N. All your kisses were very much appreciated, love," he said kissing your lips, sweetly. "Let's go back home, baby, 'm tired" he said, yawning and rubbing his red and puffy eyes. You took his hands from his eyes and kissed his eye lids, then his nose and then his chin. you felt him smile, the first smile you've seen in hours and it was all because of you.
"You missed a spot, lovely," he said sheepishly, looking down to avoid your eyes. You smiled, bringing hand up to his cheek, stroking it. "I know," you whispered in his ear, "I'm saving that for later, sweetheart."
John blushed and got up, still a little sickly looking, brushing his hands on his pants, his bouncy teddy boy curl bouncing as he did so. "C'mon, Y/N, I want to tell you some things," he smiled,"Some things that I think you'll enjoy."
That night, John told you all about Julia, making you realize why he loved her so much.
The best things are always so short lived. It's a bloody shame.
Tumblr. I forgot to add that the George one was also from tumblr sorry by @lennon-mccartnie sorry for not putting you in the author note.

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