Capter 10

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It had actually been a month since they didn't see the whole crew and Lana (now 19 weeks pregnant) was clearly showing.

"Oh my gosh. Look at you!!", Bex said when she got to hug her sister after their break. 

"You look so cute with this baby bump. Honestly." she added 

" I am fat not cute!" she answered grumpy and turned her mobile to Rebecca 

" Did I show you?" she started the video where she was dancing tango with Darren and from now and then it was visible that she didn't knew how to dance properly

"Wow. That's hot.", Bex said grinning. 

"And no... You're not fat. It's just the wonder of pregnancy. You're actually glowing.", she said smilingly.

"Whatever. It hasn't been a good day... She is kicking like crazy. Making me feel like my organs were pressed out of my body.", Lana complained.

" poor you! It's a girl?? She will be a musical star in the end I see! Dancing, acting and the singing part she will have like a nature of her!" she smiled and let go of her sister with a smile 

" What's with you Bex? Is anything planned?" Lana was still desperate about becoming an aunt soon

"Well... Maybe... I don't know. Surely in the future. Marc and I haven't been talking about it exectly... But it would be quite fun if our children would be close in age...", Bex confessed.

" Bex... look at me... I am not Ginny... but I can also figure out if something is wrong! Marc is not the right one is he?" she got concerned and understandful

She sighed. 

"I don't know. I mean... He doesn't do anything wrong. I am just not sure.", Bex answered

" Did you fell in love with someone else??" Lana grew suspicious...

 " REBECCA MADER oh my god you fell in love with someone else" she shouted out then.

 "I didn't.", she tried to defence herself.

 " In fact that you do!" Lana nearly screamed out of overflowing hormones and was inches away from jumping up and down in excitement which she could control.

" Why did you never tell me? Is he from set? Or not even an actor?" she asks

 "He is not an actor, no... Just a normal random guy I met at a wedding.", Bex laughed and lied for the good old peace.

 " What does he do, where does he life, is he alao interested in you?? You have to tell me everything" Lana demanded and seemed still a little bit too over exited. 

" i am your sister!" she said and was near crying

Fuck all these hormones for real now

"Alright, Lana. Calm down.", Bex laughed a bit.

"I don't know. I only met him once but... We might meet again. I just have to break up with Marc I guess..."

There it was... the next big lie just not to hurt or upset her pregnant best friend 

 " So you want to meet again! That's nice!" Lana grinned and was interrupted from another hard kick from her daughter

 " Little one I am calmly down sorry! But: if aunty Bex is telling me that she is in love with someone else... you still have to excuse me ok!" she rubbed her belly gently and smiled as she could vision the little feets of her daughter

 " Why do i think that it's not that easy for you?" Lana asks concerned

"Well... I... Loved Marc for such a long time. I just don't know if it is the right choice to leave him. 

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