Capter 16

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Lana started loosing weight maybe a little bit too rapidly so everybody noticed that she was working out more than ever and eating nearly unhealty

"Lana? Dinner is ready. Are you coming?", Sean asked nicely.

" I pass... I ate lunch..." she shouted back.

"No. Not counting. You will eat something, Lana.", Sean said eagerly, walking through the house to find her.

"Are you still working out? Lana please stop.", He said calmly and hold her back.

"You're going to collapse at some point.", Sean said seriously

" But I want to be in best shape when we get married she tried to explain and stopped lifting the weight for one second to meet his gaze.

"You are in your best shape! You look great. You are fit enough.", Sean assured her

" Lascia stare Sean!" she napped back now obviously already more than exhausted from her workout and Sean knew... If she started to use Italian against him he should probably just start to run because she was in a shitty mood and over everything grumpy

 "You can yell at me as much as you want but enough is enough, Lana. You're living unhealthy! I am not against sport but please do it for like an hour per day max. That's enough. You are beautiful. Your stomach is gone. Look how beautiful you are.", Sean said and placed her in front of a mirror."most of the baby weight is gone. The rest is only the stretched skin. The doctors said it could take up to a year until your body will return to normal. Don't stress yourself out.", Sean said

" yust stop and be honest!" she sniffed and looked at him

" I want and I will loose it until we marry!" she said

 "I don't want to force you to anything, Lana... But... Honestly... I am almost at a point where I am ready to lock this room. You are exhausted and completely fine.", Sean said with a sigh.

"Now... Let's go down and eat. And yes, you will eat!", Sean said a bit more determined.

"I don't care. Even it if is a smaller portion. But you eat. Otherwise there will be no bonding time with the twins anymore because your way of exercise and not eating properly, will stop your body from producing milk. That's what going to happen, if you continue like that. And I know how much you love your time with the girls. So please... ", Sean said and reached out for her hand

" Do I really have to eat... I am still bloated!" she sighted and this sentence made Sean only worry more

"You're not bloated. It can't be. And yes. You have to. At least something.", he replied

She sights and followed him down to the table where she smelled the food and her stomach growled loudly of course heard by Sean

Sean sat dawn with her and lit up a candle between them."I know I am not the best cook... But I tried...", he said

" Don't worry!" she smiled and lost herself in his eyes " One month more and we are husband and wife!" she smiled loving and took his hand over the table

" Well... more or less!" she admitted and her smile was the biggest

 Sean mirrored her actions and put her something on a plate."There you go, sweetie.", Sean said

She thanked him and her stomach growled as wild as she took the fork and knife, forching herself on her manners not to swallow everything in one bite without chewing and breaks

"You need to eat regularly, Lana. And I will annoy you until you do so.", Sean said

" Thank you Sean! For everything you did!" She smiled and took another bite

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